Rēzekne District Council meeting (01.08.2019)

Publicēts: 02.08.2019

Atjaunots: 29.10.2020

On the agenda:

1. On the approval of the accounting procedures of the municipality of Rezekne and of the institutions subordinate thereto

2. On the conclusion of a co-operation contract with the association “Latvian Red Cross”

3. On the decision of the Rēzekne municipality of 6 June 2019 “on the conclusion of a lease contract with SIA“ bite Latvia ”IN Nagļu parish, Rezekne municipality” and “on the conclusion of a lease contract with SIA“ bite Latvia ”in THE parish OF Stoļerovas, Rēzekne municipality”

4. On the recognition of an auction of immovable property “parish building”, Gornica, Silmalas parish, Rezekne municipality, with cadastre designation 7888 014 0075 001.

5. On non-built land units with cadastre designation 7886 003 0565 Sakstagala parish rental right auction

6. Non-built land units with cadastre designation 7886 005 0186 Sakstagala parish

7. For non-built land units with cadastre designation 7886 007 0044 Sakstagala parish lease right auction

8. On the recording of apartment property in the Land Register

9. On apartment property No. (…) “New house 1”, Dricans, Dricānu parish, notional price approval

10. On apartment property No. (…) “New house 2”, Dricāni, Dricānu civil parish, conditional price approval

11. On apartment property No. (…) “Maples”, in Dricans, Dricānu parish, approval of notional price

12. On apartment property No. (…) “Breeze”, Dricans, Dricānu parish, conditional price approval

13. On apartment property No. (…) In Rēzekne Street 1A, Gaigalava, Gaigalavas parish, approval of the notional price

14. On the approval of the notional price of the immovable property “No 1” Gaigalavas

15. On the approval of the notional price of the property “Sarkaņi” Kantinieku

16. On apartment property No. (…) In Garzu Street 4, Lendes, Lendžu parish, approval of notional price

17. On apartment property No. (…) In Garzu Street 4, Lendes, Lendžu parish, approval of notional price

18. On apartment property No. (…) In Garzu Street 4, Lendes, Lendžu parish, approval of notional price

19. On apartment property No. (…) In Garzu Street 4, Lendes, Lendžu parish, approval of notional price

20. On apartment property No. (…) In Garzu Street 4, Lendes, Lendžu parish, approval of notional price

21. On apartment property No. (…) Rug Street 1, Lendes, Lendžu parish, notional price approval

22. On apartment property No. (…) Rug Street 1, Lendes, Lendžu parish, notional price approval

23. On apartment property No. (…) Rug Street 2, Lendes, Lendžu parish, notional price approval

24. On apartment property No. (…) On the river street 2, Rikava, Rikavas parish, approval of the notional price

25. For the ¼ part of the real estate “tear beauty” Čornajas parish transfer for disposal L. R., L.R., S. R., D. R.

26. On the distribution OF land in the municipality with cadastre designation 7896 007 0212 in Vērēmu civil parish

27. On the approval of the land-use project for immovable property “Rivža” IN parish Maltas

28. On the extension of the land lease contract No 114 of 16 April 2012 and the extension of the land lease contract No 116 of 9 May 2012 and the announcement of land lease contracts in a new version

29. On the transfer of hunting rights to the hunter and fishermen association “falcon” IN Dricānu civil parish

30. On the transfer of hunting rights to the hunter and fishermen association “falcon” IN Gaigalavas civil parish

31. On the transfer of hunting rights to the hunter and fishermen association “falcon” IN Stružānu civil parish

32. On the transfer of hunting rights to the hunter society “hawk” IN Dricānu civil parish

33. On the transfer of hunting rights to the hunter society “hawk” IN Gaigalavas civil parish

34. On the letting of a social apartment

35. On the renewal of a social housing lease

36. On the exchange of rented residential space against other rental housing in S.D. Lendžu civil parish

37. On termination of the rental contract with B. K. Lendžu civil parish

38. The refusal to rent a social apartment V. R. Stružānu civil parish

39. On the exclusion of persons from the Court of First Order of the municipality of Rezekne

40. Clarification of the decision of the Council of the Rēzekne District Council of 9 May 2019 on the updating and improvement of the administrative building of the administrative building of the “Nautrēnu parish unit” unit “Lendžu parish unit”

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