Rēzekne District Council meeting (04.07.2013)


  1. On the issue of the Law No 1 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 4 July 2013 on the issuance of the municipality of Rezekne Municipality
  2. On the issue of the binding Regulation No. 2 of the municipality of Rezekne of 4 July 2013 on amendments to the binding Regulation No 11 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 3 December 2009 on the issuance of the municipality of Rezekne Municipality ”
  3. On the approval of Mr Teirumniec as Director of the Basic School OF Audriņu
  4. On the transfer of an unbuilt plot of land to Ināra Elksne in Sherjan civil parish
  5. On the amendment of the decision of the municipality of Rēzekne of 15 April 2010 “on the provision of waste collection, water supply and sewerage services IN Nagļu civil parish”
  6. On the amendment of the decision of the municipality of Rēzekne of 17 June 2010 “on the provision of water and sewerage services IN THE territory OF Sakstagala parish”
  7. On the conclusion of a contract on the use of hunting area with the hunter association “Čornaja” IN parish Mākoņkalna
  8. On the conclusion of a contract on the use of hunting area with a hunter association “friend 1” IN parish Mākoņkalna
  9. On the allocation of the limits of the fish network of the Lake Uussian Lake
  10. On the reduction of remuneration for Valium Stivka on land owned by the State IN THE parish OF Nautrēnu
  11. On the attraction of land area in the Land Register on land unit with cadastre designation 7846 004 0247 Čornajas civil parish
  12. On the attraction of land area in the Land Register on land unit with cadastre designation 7866 003 0161 Lendžu civil parish
  13. On land units with cadastre designation 7880 004 0512 in the municipality OF Pušas
  14. On the lease of land units with cadastre designation 7846 008 0030, 7846 008 0035, and the conclusion of a lease with Žannu Aminchenkov IN the parish OF Čornajas
  1. On the lease of a land unit with cadastre designation 7850 007 0299, entering into a land lease with Emilia Lizdiku IN parish Dricānu
  2. On the lease of land belonging to the municipality with cadastre designation 7850 005 0488, the conclusion of a land lease with Broņislava Piļku IN parish Dricānu
  3. On the land unit of the municipality with cadastre designations 7862 012 0155, 7862 012 0246, 7862 012 0247 hire, land lease contract with Irinu Antonov IN Kaunatas civil parish
  4. On the land unit of the municipality with cadastre designations: 7862 002 0240; 7862 005 0351 ½ minds; 7862 005 0352 leasing, land lease contract with Iulita Divanovskau Kaunatas civil parish
  5. On land units of the municipality with cadastre designations 7862 005 0101, 7862 005 0143 leasing, entering into a land lease with Ruth Gardu Kaunatas parish
  6. On the lease of the land unit with cadastre designation 7868 002 0545, the conclusion of a land lease with Lucia Lubkin IN Lūznavas civil parish
  7. On the lease of a land-based unit with cadastre designation 7868 002 0374, entering into a land lease with Voldemar Mazuru Lūznavas parish
  8.  On the lease of the land unit with cadastre designation 7878 002 0293, low lease contract with Ruslan Ushkov IN parish Ozolmuižas
  9. 23. On the lease of land belonging to the municipality with cadastre designation 7880 003 0168, the conclusion of a land lease contract with Juri Vocsu Pušas civil parish
  10. 24. On the land unit of the municipality with cadastre designations 7880 004 0137, 7880 005 0203, 7880 004 0194, 7880 004 0514, 7880 004 0245, 7880 004 0135, 7880 004 0188, and the conclusion of a land lease with Christine Zuju Pušas parish
  11. On the lease of the land in the municipality with cadastre designation 7882 002 0136, the conclusion of a land lease with Zigmund Lucianov IN the parish OF Rikavas
  12. On the lease of land belonging to the local government with cadastre designation 7882 005 0142, entering into a land lease with the farm “Salmaņi” IN parish Rikavas
  13. On the lease of land in the municipality with cadastre designation 7882 002 0136, entering into a land lease with Natalia Stikani IN parish Rikavas
  14. On the lease of land units with cadastre designations 7892 002 0268 8016 and 7892 002 0324 8013, land lease contract with Anna Gleisdans IN parish Stoļerovas
  15. On the land unit of the local government with cadastre designations 7892 002 0268 8004, 7892 002 0324 8001, 7892 002 0324 8007, 7892 002 0096, 7892 001 0150, 7892 001 0151 land and land parts from land unit with cadastre designation 7892 002 0268 renting, land lease contract with leasing Valentine Senkanes IN Stoļerovas civil parish
  16. On the lease of the reserve fund with cadastre designation 7882 002 0114, the conclusion of a land lease with the farm “atvari” IN parish Rikavas
  17. On the lease of the reserve fund with cadastre designation 7882 005 0178, the conclusion of a land lease with the farm “inventories” IN parish Rikavas
  18. On the lease of the reserve fund with cadastre designation 7882 005 0324, the conclusion of a land lease with the farm “Salmaņi” IN parish Rikavas
  19. 30. On the lease of a reserve land fund with cadastre designations 7880 004 0243, 7880 004 0131, 7880 004 0244, the conclusion of a land lease with Christine Zuju Pušas parish
  20. 34. On the refusal to lease the land units of the local government IN SIA “Marketeks” Dricānu civil parish
  21. 35. On the refusal to lease the land units of the local government TO SIA “STARWOD 7” Čornajas civil parish
  22. 36. On the refusal to lease the land units of the local government TO SIA “Marketeks” IN Ozolaines civil parish
  23. 37. On the refusal to lease the land units of the Land-owned and reserve land fund to Aigar Bitanam Ozolaines parish
  24. 38. On the termination of the land lease contract No 46 of 25 May 2006 with Irena Sabrov IN parish Ozolmuižas
  25. On the examination of the complaint of the Infloor Jigunes
  26. On the termination of the rental contract with Ivanu Percova and the conclusion of a rental contract with Sarmite Percova IN parish Maltas
  27. On the amendment of the decision of the municipality of Rēzekne of 21 February 2013 “on the development of the project“ Rēzekne Municipality Lendžu parish Lendžu village water holding, Chapter II ”)
  28. About permission to connect positions to Nathalie Stafeckai
  29. On the allocation of additional funding for parish administrations OF Kaunatas and Vērēmu
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