Rēzekne District Council meeting (06.03.2014)

Publicēts: 04.03.2014

Atjaunots: 29.10.2020

  1. On the approval of the rules of application of the norms of the Code of Conduct of the municipality of Rezekne
  2. On the transfer of unbuilt plot of land to Marie Adiana Bērzgales civil parish
  3. On “Small buds” with cadastre No. 7850 005 0486 Determination of the notional price
  4. On termination of the procedure for the disposal of unbuilt land “Rolans”, Bērzgales civil parish, Rezekne municipality
  5. On the disposals of the estate of the municipality of Rezekne - “People's house” - “People's house” - Pušas parish - the approval of the auctioning rules and the notional price
  6. On the recognition of the auction of movable property, the car TOYOTA COROLLA.
  7. On the exclusion of the land unit from the municipal council of the municipality of Rezekne Rikavas
  8. On the approval of tariffs for cold water supply, sewage treatment, vehicle use and sauna services IN parish Čornajas
  9. On the allocation of Lake Chernoste fish nets for captive fishing for 2014
  10. On the allocation of the fish networks of the Lake Ivopoles Lake for captive fishing for 2014
  11. On the allocation of the fish network limits of Lake Schönev
  12. Amending the decision of the municipality of Rēzekne of 6 February 2014 “on the allocation of Lake Razna fish nets for captive fishing for 2014”
  13. On the determination of the area of inheritance and the delimitation of the boundaries of Vasilia Vinogradov IN the parish OF Lūznavas
  14. On land units with cadastre designation 7868 002 0500 in the municipality OF Lūznavas
  15. On the distribution OF the municipal estate “Ezerland” with cadastre number 7888 001 0087 IN parish Silmalas
  16. On the distribution OF the municipal estate “Laurina 1” with cadastre number 7888 010 0007 IN parish Silmalas
  17. On the distribution OF the municipal estate “Upiris” with cadastre number 7888 013 0033 IN parish Silmalas
  18. On the distribution OF cadastre number 7888 010 0106 of the municipal estate “Sārtmaple” IN parish Silmalas
  19. On the approval of the land-use project for the “hope” and the Anita Melnes real estate “Saulīši” IN parish Bērzgales
  20. On the conclusion of a hunting agreement with the hunter association “staltstdis” IN parish Kantinieku
  21. On the conclusion of a hunting agreement with the hunter association “energy” IN parish Čornajas
  22. On the issuance of a permit for the development of “Lipuški” in SIA “Luna Baltica” Ozolaines parish
  23. On the recalculation of real estate tax for 2011 for Daiga Šķesterei
  24. On the determination of the payment order of Dina Butler's overdue property tax
  25. On the determination of the payment order of the farm “hills” of the farm “hills”
  26. Procedures for the Recovery of Deferred Immovable Property Tax Payment without Dispute Proceedings from the Spirit of a Marketing
  27. Procedures for the Recovery of Deferred Real Property Tax Payment Proceedings from Victor Demčuk
  28. Procedures for the Recovery of Deferred Property Tax Payment Procedures from Anita Ivchenkova
  29. On the recovery of overdue immovable property tax payment without dispute from Svetlana Gorblaov
  30. On the recovery of overdue real estate tax payment without dispute from Jānis Kepul
  31. On the recognition of the right of renting of residential premises for Biruta Laizanne IN parish Dricānu
  32. On letting the living room for Ilona Rubulei IN parish Čornajas
  33. On letting the residential space for Ināra Kuzminai Lūznavas civil parish
  34. On renting the residential space to Valley Tuanai in Sturganu civil parish
  35. On the termination of the rental contract with Yelen Boļshakov and the conclusion of a rental contract with Nadeždu Nosonu in Sturganu civil parish
  36. On the renewal of the social housing lease agreement for Alexander Verjovkins in Sherjan civil parish
  37. On the approval (first and foremost) of the municipal housing issues of the Register of Persons in Solving the Housing Issues of the Register of Persons, renting the Residential Rooms owned or leased by the Municipality
  38. On the approval of a supplement to the housing issues of the local government of the Register of Persons, by renting the residential premises owned or leased by the local government, approval (in accordance with the general procedure)
  39. Regarding the approval of the amendments to the Register of Persons in the Housing Issues of the Register of Persons, by renting residential premises owned or leased by the local government (first and foremost)
  40. Regarding the approval of the amendments to the Register of Persons in the Housing Issues of the Register of Persons, by renting residential premises owned or leased by the local government (in accordance with the general procedure)
  41. On the establishment of co-financing of the “youth home” project for children of childcare institutions in local government
  42. On permission to Jansim Trošk, Vladimir Bistrov, Vitaly Skudar, Eduard Griamonokam and Edgar Bliminov to combine positions
  43. On the taking of a loan for purchase of a car in Rezekne District Municipality Maltas for the needs of a special boarding school
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