Rēzekne District Council meeting (06.06.2013)


1. On the approval of amendments to the budget revenue and expenditure estimates of the State Joint Authority “Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Administration” for the 2013 budget
2. On the approval of amendments to the 2013 Special Budget revenue and expenditure estimates of the STATE Joint Authority “Rsez Special Economic Zone Administration” RSEZ
3. Regarding amendments to the regulations of the State Social Service of the municipality of Rezekne
4. On amendments to the decision of the Rēzekne municipality of 3 December 2009 “on the establishment of the social service of the municipality of Rezekne”
5. On the approval of the Rēzekne municipality competition “Rēzekne Municipality”
6. On the lease of the unbuilt land unit of the municipality of Rezekne IN Lendžu parish with the lease of cadastre designation 7866 002 0211, holding a lease right auction
7. On consent to the acquisition of immovable property by cadastre No 7856 001 0619 in the municipality of Taresas Romanovskaya Griškānu
8. On consent to land acquisition in the property of Tatjana Anaņieva IN the parish OF Lūznavas
9. On consent to land acquisition by Vladislava Pankova in THE parish OF Lūznavas
10. On the approval of the electricity supply service service for the event “Days of Rezekne municipality”
11. On the allocation of Lake Sala fish nets for captive fishing for 2013
12. On the termination of land use rights for Hatia splashed to a unit of land with cadastre designation 7880 003 0112 Pušas civil parish
13. On the termination of land use rights in the State cadastre information system of immovable property registered in the State cadastre information system of immovable property, with the cadastre designation 7882 002 0136 for the part and crediting to the local government in the county of Rikavas
14. On the termination of land use rights for land units registered in the State cadastre information system of the immovable property and the transfer to the local government in the county OF Sakstagala
15. On the termination of land use rights for Renair Rudzgailis on the land unit with cadastre designation 7892 004 0122 Stoļerovas civil parish
16. On the termination of land use rights for Konstantin Chivchišk on the land unit with cadastre designation 7896 003 0144 and its determination as an intermediary IN Vērēmu civil parish
17. Regarding amendments to the decision of the Rēzekne municipality of 5 July 2012 “on the termination of land use rights for land units registered in the cadastre information system of the State cadastre information system and the transfer of land units to the local government in the land of THE local government IN THE parish OF Silmalas”
18. On the transfer of land units with cadastre designation 7850 008 0020 to the local government in the county OF Dricānu
19. On the Jurisdiction of Land Units in Municipality Lūznavas civil parish
20. On land units with cadastre designation 7872 007 0116 in the municipality OF Mākoņkalna
21. On the correction of the clerical error in the decision of the Rēzekne municipality of 4 April 2013 “on the jurisdiction of land units in the municipality OF Pušas”
22. On the establishment of an intermediate status for land units with cadastre designations 7850 005 0318, 7850 005 0319 and the determination of their jurisdiction in the municipality OF Dricānu
23. On the establishment of an intermediate status for land units with cadastre designations 7850 002 0095, 7850 006 0045 and the determination of their jurisdiction in the municipality OF Dricānu
24. On the approval of a land survey project for immovable property “Colnasate” IN parish Ilzeskalna
25. On the lease of the land unit of the local government with cadastre designation 7844 004 0400, the conclusion of a land lease with the farm “gold” IN parish Bērzgales
26. On the land unit of the municipality with cadastre designation 7846 003 0289, 7846 003 0290 leasing, the conclusion of a land lease contract with a vy in Jershaw Čornajas civil parish
27. On the lease of land units with cadastre designations 7850 005 0450 and 7850 005 0328, the conclusion of a land lease with Peter Dzindzuku IN parish Dricānu
28. On the lease of land belonging to the local government with cadastre designation 7850 008 0134, entering into a land lease with Andri Elksni Dricānu civil parish
29. On the lease of land belonging to the local government with cadastre designation 7850 008 0222, entering into a land lease with Ugi Estonia IN Dricānu civil parish
30. On the lease of land belonging to the local government with cadastre designation 7850 005 0328, entering into a land lease with Irina Jershaw IN Dricānu civil parish
31. On the lease of a land unit with cadastre designation 7850 005 0450, the conclusion of a land lease with Wilhelmins Mežuli Dricānu civil parish
32. On the land unit with cadastre designations 7850 003 0294, 7850 003 0293 leasing, land lease contract with Luuli Semuli Dricānu civil parish
33. On the lease of the land unit of the municipality with cadastre designation 7850 005 0450, entering into a land lease with Natalia Vadziju Dricānu civil parish
34. On the lease of land belonging to the local government with cadastre designation 7854 009 0035, entering into a land lease with Jānis Nagli Gaigalavas civil parish
35. On the lease of land belonging to the municipality with cadastre designation 7854 006 0141 in SIA “ZEIRA” Gaigalavas civil parish
36. On the land unit of the municipality with cadastre designations 7862 002 0154, 7862 002 0249, 7862 002 0153, 7862 002 0318 leasing, land lease contract with SIA “Glanss” IN parish Kaunatas
37. On the land unit of the municipality with cadastre designations 7862 012 0142, 7862 012 0143 hire, land lease contract with Veronica Rakevič Kaunatas civil parish
38. On the lease of a land unit with cadastre designation 7868 002 0409, entering into a land lease with Vitalia Ciganski Lūznavas parish
39. On the termination of land lease rights with Ryce Kuprijanov and local government units with cadastre designation 7868 001 0303, entering into a land lease with Dennis Kuprijanov IN THE parish OF Lūznavas
40. On the lease of the land unit of the municipality with cadastre designation 6876 002 0052, the conclusion of a land lease contract with Corkland and Jānis Namsonu IN THE parish OF Nautrēnu
41. On the lease of land belonging to the municipality with cadastre designation 7876 006 0331, the conclusion of a land lease with Genadia Vinosov IN THE parish OF Ozolaines
42. On the lease of land belonging to the local government with cadastre designation 7882 006 0021, entering into a land lease with Lauri Jtumemu Rikavas parish
43. On the lease of land units with cadastre designations 7882 002 0086, 7882 002 0306, 7882 005 0212, land lease contract with Zigmund Lucianov IN parish Rikavas
44. On the lease of the land unit of the local government with cadastre designation 7888 004 0107, the conclusion of a land lease with Leonid Zakutajevu IN parish Silmalas
45. On the termination of land lease rights for Rita Java and the land units with cadastre designation 7894 002 0240 for Antonam Jtumemam Stružānu parish
46. On the lease of land belonging to the municipality with cadastre designation 7894 002 0307, the conclusion of a land lease with Antonu black IN Stružānu civil parish
47. On the lease of land belonging to the municipality with cadastre designation 7894 002 0110, the conclusion of land lease agreements with Sergei Mironov IN parish Stružānu
48. On the lease of land units with cadastre designations 7896 004 0335 and 7896 004 0353, the conclusion of a land lease with Aldi Arbidan IN THE parish OF Vērēmu
49. On the lease of land belonging to the municipality with cadastre designation 7896 004 0353, the conclusion of a land lease with Valentine Arbidans IN parish Vērēmu
50. On the lease of land units belonging to the municipality with cadastre designations 7896 004 0335 and 7896 004 0338, the conclusion of a land lease with Harald Bplant IN Vērēmu civil parish
51. On the lease of land units with cadastre designations 7896 004 0335, 7896 004 0336, 7896 004 0336, 7896 004 0285 and 7896 004 0337 to Viktor Līpuram Vērēmu civil parish
52. On the lease of land belonging to the municipality with cadastre designation 7896 004 0353, the conclusion of a land lease with Anastasia black IN Vērēmu civil parish
53. On the lease of a land unit with cadastre designation 7896 004 0353, entering into a land lease with Valentine Stoleri Vērēmu civil parish
54. On the lease of the land unit with cadastre designation 7858 005 0147 for Alexander Isakov IN parish Ilzeskalna
55. On the lease of a reserve land fund with cadastre designation 7854 009 0110, the conclusion of a land lease with Sandra Špundzani IN parish Gaigalavas
56. On the lease of the land unit of the reserve land fund with cadastre designation 7872 008 0265, entering into a land lease with modri in parish Mākoņkalna
57. On the lease of a reserve fund with cadastre designations 7882 002 0301, the conclusion of a land lease with Zigmund Lucianov IN the parish OF Rikavas
58. On the refusal to lease the land units of the local government TO SIA “STARWOOD 7" Ilzeskalna civil parish
59. On the refusal to lease the land units of the land and reserve fund to the municipality IN the parish OF SIA “MARKETEKS” Rikavas
60. Amending the land lease agreement of 18 June 2009 with Janina Lambu Dricānu parish
61. On amendments to the land lease agreement of 23 April 2012 with Inga Oļbik IN parish Dricānu
62. Amending the Land Rental Agreement No 6-1/9 of 31 March 2011 with Peteri Gutan IN Nautrēnu civil parish
63. Amending the decision of 19 July 2012 on the letting of land-based land with cadastre designation 7876 001 1386, the conclusion of a land lease with Nikolai Metics IN THE parish of Ozolaines
64. On the amendment of the rural lease contract No 47 of 25 June 2009 with Ziedoni Sarmuli Stružānu parish
65. On the termination of the land lease contract No 124 of 26 June 2009 with Ingrida Majani, Dairi Maijan and Aldi Majan IN parish Sakstagala
66. On the termination of the lease of Leonora Tuannes land with cadastre designation 7886 005 0145 Sakstagala parish
67. On the recovery of the overdue immovable property tax payment in a non-dispute order from John Kalniņa
68. On renting the residential space to Peteris Tashkan IN Pušas civil parish
69. On renting the residential space to Valerijs Ilijinam Lūznavas civil parish
70. On letting the social dwelling in Dorta Bautrei Stružānu civil parish
71. On the extension of the rental contract of the residential space for Texas Driksnai Stružānu civil parish
72. On the termination of the rental contract with Anatolia Leiduma and the renting of the residential space to Vilma Leiduma IN THE parish OF Dricānu
73. On termination of the rental contract with Teklu Bruzguli IN parish Stružānu
74. On additions to the settlement of the residential housing issues of the Register of Persons, by renting the residential premises owned or rented by the local government, in order to provide emergency assistance, approval
75. On the approval of amendments to the register of persons, the settlement of municipal aid apartment issues by renting residential premises owned or leased by the municipality (emergency aid)
76. On financial support for Adamov's special boarding school for the repair of shower rooms
77. On the approval of the 2012 public annual report of the municipality of Rezekne
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