Rēzekne District Council meeting (15.02.2018)

Publicēts: 16.02.2018

Atjaunots: 29.10.2020

On the agenda:

1. On the issue of the binding Regulation No 14 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 15 February 2018 “Amendments to the binding Regulation No 54 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 4 June 2015 on social aid benefits in the Rēzekne municipality”

2. Regarding the specification of the binding Regulation No. 12 of 18 January 2018 of the municipality of Rezekne, regarding the specification of the amount of the lease fee of the unbuilt plot of land

3. On Amendment Lūznavas in the Statute for a Pre-school Educational Institution

4. On the transfer of the real estate “Jews Bridge” free of charge to the Latvian State in the person of the Ministry of Agriculture

5. “Name of the immovable property of the municipality of Rezekne” by cadastre number (..) Ilzeskalna Validation of the results of the parish auction

6. “Name of the immovable property of the municipality of Rezekne” by cadastre number (..) Nautrēnu Validation of the results of the parish auction

7. On the “Activity Centre” of the estate “Laucenes” in Bekis, Ozolaines parish, rental auction

8. On the recording of apartment properties in Land Register

9. On the transfer of immovable property “name” Ilzeskalna parish to alienation I. B.

10. On the transfer of immovable property “name” Ilzeskalna parish for disposal in P. T.

11. On the transfer of immovable property (address), Rikava, Rikavas parish, to alienation V. M., I. T., P. Z., J. S.

12. On the determination of the estimated part of the property “name” OF the property “name” Ozolmuižas

13. On the termination of the property of the property “name” Kantinieku

14. On the allocation of the fishing nets of the Lake Solocher Lake for captive fishing for 2018

15. On the allocation of the limits of the fish network of the Lake Usku for 2018

16. On the allocation of Tiskad Lake fish nets for captive fishing for 2018

17. On the approval of tariffs for utility services in the municipality of Rezekne Silmalas

18. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Rēzekne municipality of 29 December 2009 “on the land units of the municipality of Rezekne and the land units owned and not built by the municipality, the State-owned and non-built land units and land use for the completion of land reform” in the list No 9 Kantinieku civil parish

19. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Rēzekne municipality of 29 December 2009 “on the land units of the municipality of Rezekne and the land units owned and not built by the municipality, the State-owned and non-built land units and land use for the completion of land reform” in the list of Annex No 20 Rikavas

20. On the approval of a land application project for real estate “name”, “name 2”, “name 3” IN Vērēmu civil parish

21. On the termination of the land lease contract No 60 of 27 June 2009 with A. M. Rikavas civil parish

22. On the amendment of the rural lease contract No 18 of 26 July 2013 by J. G. Sakstagala civil parish

23. On the application of the real estate tax relief to “VEREMS” RSEZ SIA

24. On the application of the real estate tax relief to “IRBIS Technology” RSEZ SIA

25. On deletion of real estate tax debt

26. On the letting of a social apartment

27. On the conclusion of a cooperation agreement with the association “RR motorsport” IN parish Audriņu

28. On amendments to the decision of the Rēzekne municipality of 1 July 2010 “on the establishment and issuing of the Rēzekne Municipality Information Edition“ Rēzekne District Information ”

29. On the participation of the municipality of Rezekne in the project “Improving the municipal road infrastructure in Rezekne municipality, 4 th round”

30. On the support of the “Unified family” project “Purchase of people's suits for the Student Activity of the School of Primary Schools”

31. The provision of protection without supervision to the remaining I. G. Property

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