Rēzekne District Council meeting (15.03.2018)

Publicēts: 18.03.2018

Atjaunots: 29.10.2020

On the agenda:

1. On the approval of service charges in the municipality OF the municipality OF Rezekne Silmalas

2. On the write-off of the non-hopeless debtor debt in the municipality OF Rēzekne Municipality Stoļerovas

3. On the announcement of the invitation to the Ministry of Agriculture to accept the part of Luban Lake's dam, located in THE territory OF Nagļu parish in the land units of the municipality, 7874 002 0116 and 7874 002 0156

4. The “road” OF the immovable property necessary for the needs of the company IN THE parish OF Kantinieku, Rezekne municipality, acquisition of the municipality

5. On the amendment of the decision of the Rēzekne municipality council of 18 August 2016 “on the approval of the costs of educated catering in the educational institutions of the municipality of Rezekne” in Annex No. 1 “average cost of childcare of pre-school children (one day) in the municipality of Rezekne municipality”

6. On the payment of educated catering expenses outside the activities organised by the educational institution

7. On the Municipality of Rezekne Municipality in forest street 5A, Bikava, Gaigalavas parish, cadastre No. 7854 005 0278, transfer to apartment owners without compensation

8. On the transfer of immovable property “name” Vērēmu parish to alienation. B.

9. On the approval of the notional price of an apartment property “name” -6 Ozolmuižas

10. On the approval of the notional price of the immovable property “name” Sakstagala

11. On the residence of the apartment property (address), Sturganu civil parish, approval of the notional price

12. On the determination of the notional price of the immovable property “name” Ozolmuižas

13. On the “parish building” of the estate in Rēzekne Street 2, Gaigalava, Gaigalavas parish, Rezekne municipality, lease right auction

14. Regarding the approval of the results of the “smoke” part of the construction of the immovable property “Lūznavas maniža” in parish Lūznavas parish, Rezekne municipality, premises for the lease of premises for economic activities of premises

15. On the approval of the results of the auction results of the “Activity Centre” of the estate “Laucenes” in Bekis, Ozolaines parish, Rezekne municipality, premises of premises for the performance of economic activities of premises

16. On the approval of the results of the auction of movable property – a felling located in immovable property with cadastre number 7854 009 0193 Gaigalavas parish

17. On the approval of the land-use project for immovable property “overseas” IN parish Bērzgales

18. On the approval of the land-use project for the real estate “Arci” and “Archi 1” IN Griškānu civil parish

19. On the termination of the land lease contract No 137 of 25 August 2009 with V. P. Silmalas civil parish

20. On the termination of the rural lease contract No 61a of 17 July 2008 with A. K. Maltas civil parish

21. On the transfer of hunting rights to the association “woodland” IN parish Mākoņkalna

22. On the transfer of hunting rights to the association “hunters' brotherhood” IN parish Mākoņkalna

23. On amendments to the lending contract with the association “Latvian red cross” IN parish Audriņu

24. On amendments to the lending contract with the association “Latvian Red Cross” IN Bērzgales civil parish

25. On amendments to the lending contract with the association “Latvian Red Cross” IN Čornajas civil parish

26. On amendments to the lending contract with the association “Latvian Red Cross” IN Dricānu civil parish

27. On amendments to the lending contract with the association “Latvian Red Cross” IN Feimaņu civil parish

28. On amendments to the lending contract with the association “Latvian Red Cross” IN Gaigalavas civil parish

29. On amendments to the lending contract with the association “Latvian Red Cross” IN Griškānu civil parish

30. On amendments to the lending contract with the association “Latvian Red Cross” IN Ilzeskalna civil parish

31. On amendments to the lending contract with the association “Latvian Red Cross” IN Kaunatas civil parish

32. On amendments to the lending contract with the association “Latvian Red Cross” IN Kantinieku civil parish

33. On amendments to the lending contract with the association “Latvian Red Cross” IN Lendžu civil parish

34. On amendments to the lending contract with the association “Latvian Red Cross” IN Lūznavas civil parish

35. On the conclusion of a loan agreement with the association “Latvian Red Cross” IN parish Maltas

36. On amendments to the lending contract with the association “Latvian Red Cross” IN parish Mākoņkalna

37. On amendments to the lending contract with the association “Latvian red cross” IN Nagļu civil parish

38. On amendments to the lending contract with the association “Latvian Red Cross” IN Nautrēnu civil parish

39. On amendments to the lending contract with the association “Latvian red cross” IN Ozolaines civil parish

40. On amendments to the lending contract with the association “Latvian Red Cross” IN Ozolmuižas civil parish

41. On amendments to the lending contract with the association “Latvian Red Cross” IN Pušas civil parish

42. On amendments to the lending contract with the association “Latvian Red Cross” IN parish Rikavas

43. On amendments to the lending contract with the association “Latvian Red Cross” IN Sakstagala civil parish

44. On amendments to the lending contract with the association “Latvian Red Cross” IN Silmalas civil parish

45. On amendments to the lending contract with the association “Latvian Red Cross” IN Stoļerovas civil parish

46. On amendments to the lending contract with the association “Latvian Red Cross” in Sturganu civil parish

47. On amendments to the lending contract with the association “Latvian Red Cross” IN Vērēmu civil parish

48. On the recognition of rental rights for residential space R. A. Maltas civil parish

49. Regarding the recognition of the rental right of the residential space. B. Silmalas civil parish

50. On the letting of a social apartment

51. On the renewal of a social housing lease

52. On amendments to the decision of the Rēzekne municipality of 3 May 2017 “on the approval of the posts of project manager and project coordinators in the social service of the municipality of Rezekne”

53. On the exclusion of the mass media newspaper “Silmalas life” from the mass media register

54. On the acquisition of land “name” in Nagles, Nagļu parish, Rēzekne municipality, cadastre No. (..), acquisition of the shares of 5890/119440 in property without remuneration

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