Rēzekne District Council meeting (20.03.2014)

Publicēts: 19.03.2014

Atjaunots: 29.10.2020


1. On the binding Regulation No 25 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 20 March 2014 “amending the binding regulations No 30 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 17 June 2014 on the management rules of the Rēzekne municipality”
2. On the amendment of the municipal regulations of the municipality of Rezekne “for remuneration in the municipality of Rezekne”
3. On the management of capital shares of local government capital companies of Rezekne
4. On amendments to the Statute of the Principal School of Rezne
5. Regarding amendments to the Law of the Orphan's Court OF Rēzekne and regarding the approval of the chairperson of the Orphan's Court, the chairperson of the chairpersons, the members and secretaries of the Rēzekne District, and the approval of the monthly salary list
6. On the agreement on amendments to the delegation agreement on the establishment, maintenance and use of a high-level topographic information database with limited liability company “geospatial solutions”
7. On the termination of the selection procedure for immovable property - premises – lease tenders
8. On felling in the immovable property of the municipality of Rezekne with cadastre No. 7854 004 0077 alienation IN THE parish OF Gaigalavas, the approval of the auctioning rules and the notional price
9. On the waiver of the municipality estate “Lejina”, Silmalas civil parish, the municipality of Rezekne and the compensation of losses to the municipality
10. On the transfer of unbuilt plot of land to Peterim Trulim Mākoņkalna civil parish
11. On the property liep street 7, Veczosna, Lūznavas civil parish, termination of the Rēzekne municipality disposal procedure
12. On Ismera - the allocation of the fish network of Lake Zogota fish nets for self-consumption fishing for 2014
13. On the allocation of Lake Sala fish nets for captive fishing for 2014
14. On the allocation of the fish network limits of Lake Schönev
15. On the allocation of Solorer Lakes Fish Grids for self-consumption fishing for 2014
16. On the allocation of Lake Feimaņu fish nets for captive fishing for 2014
17. On the attraction of land area in the Land Register on land unit with cadastre designation 7858 006 0386 Ilzeskalna civil parish
18. On the clarification of the area and boundaries of the legacy area in the parish OF Peterim Beitan Pušas
19. On the termination of land use rights for land units registered in the State cadastre information system OF the State estate IN Silmalas civil parish
20. On the termination of land use rights for registered use units of the State cadastre information system in the parish of Shergana
21. Amending the Council Decision OF 7 November 2007 entitled “Termination of land use rights for Arved Orenitis”
22. On land units with cadastre designation 7876 001 1034 for local government IN Ozolaines civil parish
23. On the determination of the status of land units with cadastre designations 7880 004 0330 and 7880 004 0360 IN parish Pušas
24. On the distribution OF land units with cadastre designation 7846 004 0181 IN parish Čornajas
25. On the distribution OF municipal immovable property with cadastre number 7860 002 0125 IN parish Kantinieku
26. Amending the decision of the municipality of Rēzekne of 6 February 2014 on the merger OF “Marina” land unit with cadastre designations 7870 006 0106 and 7870 006 0025 in parish Maltas parish
27. On the harmonisation of the rules for the operation (management) of the HES water facility in the HES water facility OF Cameņecas mill
28. On the re-registration of mineral mining permits for sand – gravel quarry “Sokorņi”
29. On the issuance of a permit for the development of sand – gravel and sand “Lipuški” to Vladislav Tukišk Rēzekne municipality in parish Ozolaines
30. On the application of the tax on real estate tax “Gerbach” RSEZ SIA
31. On the application of the real estate tax relief “RIGAMET” RSEZ SIA
32. Procedures for the Recovery of Deferred Immovable Property Tax Payment Proceedings from Feodora Calpanov
33. Procedures for the Recovery of Deferred Property Tax Payment Procedural Procedures from Valdis Bambala
34. Non-dispute Procedures for Recovery of Deferred Immovable Property Tax Payment from Ludmila Seekevska
35. Non-dispute Procedures for Recovery of Deferred Immovable Property Tax Payment from a Limited Liability Company “Merteks”
36. On the recognition of the right of renting of residential premises in the civil parish OF Gailumei Nautrēnu
37. On renting the residential space for Dainai Rantia IN Bērzgales civil parish
38. On renting the residential space to Kasparai Šķesteram Ilzeskalna civil parish
39. On the switching of the rental contract with Sergei Petrovski Ozolaines civil parish
40. On the exchange of rented residential space against other rented residential space for Leeds in Sturganu civil parish
41. On the termination of the rental contract with Mars Šablinski Pušas parish
42. On the refusal to rent the residential premises to Sergei Schepovalov IN THE parish OF Bērzgales
43. On the renewal of a social housing lease in Svetlanai Sergejeva Čornajas civil parish
44. On the renewal of the social housing lease agreement for Irinai Hodovceva and Sturganu civil parish
45. On the renewal of the social housing lease contract for Yuri Lobanov in Sturganu civil parish
46. On the addition of a register of persons in the settlement of housing issues of the Register of Persons, renting the residential premises owned or rented by the local government, in order to provide emergency assistance, approval
47. On the approval of amendments to the register of persons, the settlement of municipal aid apartment issues by renting residential premises owned or leased by the municipality (emergency aid)
48. On the approval of a supplement to the register of persons, local government housing issues, renting residential premises owned or leased by a local government (in general order)
49. On the amendment of the Register of Persons in the Housing Issues of the Register of Persons, by renting the approval of a residential space owned or leased by a local government in the general order
50. On the approval of a supplement to the register of persons, local government housing issues, renting residential premises owned or leased by a local government (first in order)
51. Regarding the approval of the amendments to the Register of Persons in the Housing Issues of the Register of Persons, by renting residential premises owned or leased by the local government (first and foremost)
52. On the taking of a loan TO THE EFF project “Establishment of an active recreational centre“ gold twin ””
53. On the award of co-financing for the project “Purchase of sports equipment in general educational institutions”
54. On the provision of support for the organisation of “engineers” events
55. On the appointment of the Chairperson of the Orphan's Court, the Chairperson, the members and secretaries of the Orphan's Court, and the approval of the monthly salary list
56. In support of the “smaids” project of the society “Griškānu parish women's club”, “thought, activity and mind, LEGO worlds come!”
57. For support for the “unified family” project “beasts, run, fall and laundry, the door opens!”
58. On the criteria for determining the main reconstructed municipal gravel roads and streets of the municipality of Rezekne
59. On the submission of the project application to THE open competition financed by THE KPFI “reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector — support for the introduction of electric cars and their recharging infrastructure”

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