Rēzekne District Council meeting (20.04.2017)

Publicēts: 18.04.2017

Atjaunots: 29.10.2020

On the agenda

1. On the approval of Regulation No 25 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 20 April 2017 on the management of capital companies and capital shares

2. On the approval of Regulation No 26 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 20 April 2017 on the approval of members of the board of directors and employees of capital companies

3. Amending Annex 1 to the decision of 26 January 2017 on the appointment of the municipality of Rezekne and the approval of the list of monthly salaries of the municipality of Rezekne, “List of posts and monthly salaries of the municipality of Rezekne”

4. Amending THE rules of the Basic School OF Audriņu

5. On CO-ordinators of XXVI general Latvian songs and XVI dance festivals in local governments

6. On the cancellation of the decision of the Rēzekne municipality of 15 September 2016 “on the amendment of the decision of the Rēzekne District Council of 28 January 2016 on the approval of the list of staff and monthly salaries of the social service staff of the municipality of Rezekne”

7. On the transfer of airplane AN-2 free of charge to the public benefit organisation - the association “Rēzekne parachute jump sports club“ Latgale Pilot ””

8. On construction workshops (builders) Lūznavas parish, Rēzekne municipality, rental auction for economic activities of the estate “Lūznavas maniža”

9. On the disposal of immovable property “musicists”, with cadastre No. 7854 005 0470, Gaigalavas parish

10. On the approval of the results of the auction of immovable property in Raznas Street (…), Kaunatas parish, space rental beauty service

11. On the recording of apartment properties in the Land Register

12. On the approval of immovable property “name”, Griškānu parish, notional price

13. On the boundary of the apartment property on the street (address), Pleiksnis, Ozolaines parish, approval of the notional price

14. On the approval of immovable property “name”, Silmalas parish, notional price

15. On the transfer of immovable property “name”, Čornajas parish, transfer TO V.B.

16. For the transfer of immovable property “name”, Ozolmuižas parish, for disposal IN I.N.

17. For the transfer of the property “Nosuakums”, Ilzeskalna parish, for disposal in P. T.

18. On termination of immovable property “name”, Kantinieku parish, disposal of alienation

19. On the approval of the membership fee AT Ozolaines parish piracy festival “Ozolpeiens 2017”

20. On the approval of changes in the price list of “Lūznavas maniža complex” of the municipal council OF the municipality OF Rezekne (Lūznavas maniža complex)

21. On the allocation of Lake Feimaņu fish nets for captive fishing for 2017

22. On the allocation of Lake Razna lake fish nets for self-consumption fishing for 2017

23. On the allocation of the Ricopole Lake Fish Network Limits for 2017

24. On the allocation of the fish network of the Solorer Lake Fish Network for self-consumption fishing for 2017

25. The termination of land-use rights. B. on land units with cadastre designations 7850 008 0007, 7850 008 0154, 7850 008 0209 Dricānu civil parish

26. On the approval of a land application project for immovable property “name” IN Silmalas civil parish

27. On the approval of a land application project for immovable property “name” IN Nautrēnu civil parish

28. On the termination of the rural lease contract No 04 of 16 February 2009 by J. P. Maltas civil parish

29. On the termination of the rural lease contract No 130 of 29 June 2009 with P.K. Sakstagala parish

30. On the termination of the land lease contract No 26 of 3 September 2007 by J. Z. Rikavas civil parish

31. On the termination of the land lease contract No 131 of 24 August 2009 with A. L. Silmalas civil parish

32. On the transfer of hunting rights to V. G. Gaigalavas civil parish

33. On the transfer of hunting rights to R. R. Nagļu civil parish

34. Amending Agreement No_8.18/522 of 2 July 2015 on the transfer of hunting rights to the hunter society “Līpukolns” IN parish Kaunatas

35. On the conclusion of a rental contract with J. R. Lūznavas civil parish

36. On the conclusion of a rental contract with J. V. Stoļerovas civil parish

37. On the conclusion of a rental contract with V. R. Sturganu civil parish

38. On the reversal of the rental contract of the residential space

39. The extension of rental contracts for residential premises. G. Stružānu civil parish

40. On termination of the rental contract with J. M. Lūznavas civil parish

41. On the taking of a loan for the implementation of the project “Restoration of the basic school of cops”

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