Rēzekne District Council meeting (5.04) 2018)

Publicēts: 03.04.2018

Atjaunots: 29.10.2020

On the agenda:
1. On the approval of the “Health and Social Care Centre” of the municipality of Rezekne “Malta”
2. On the land street (address), Ratniekos, Čornajas parish, approval of the notional price
3. On the approval of the immovable property (address), Ozolaines parish, notional price
4. On the approval of the immovable property (address), Ozolaines parish, notional price
5. On the transfer of immovable property (address), Griškānu parish, to alienation T. L.
6. On the residential property school street (address), Stalerowa, Stoļerovas parish, transfer to alienation A. K.
7. On the residential property school street (address), Stalerow, Stoļerovas parish, transfer to alienation A.S.
8. On the property river street (address), Rikava, Rikavas parish, transfer to alienation O. F.
9. On the approval of tariffs for utilities in the special boarding school
10. On the allocation of Lake Feimaņu fish nets for captive fishing for 2018
11. On the allocation of the fish network limits for Lake Schönev for 2018
12. On the distribution of land unit with cadastre designation (…) IN parish Lendžu
13. On the distribution of land in the municipality with cadastre designation 7872 009 0040 in parish Mākoņkalna
14. On deletion of real estate tax debt and late payment
15. On the recognition of rental rights for residential space N. M. Dricānu civil parish
16. On the letting of a social apartment
17. On the renewal of a social housing lease
18. On the taking of a loan for the implementation of the project “sewerage in the village of Sticanas”
19. On the approval of the Commission of the European Commission for Civil Protection of the Rēzekne Cooperation Area
20. On the approval of the Commission of the European Commission for Civil Protection of the Rēzekne Cooperation Area
21. On immovable property at street 8, Luznava, Lūznavas parish, lease of premises for the provision of a catering service
22. On the financing of the municipal infrastructure development solutions of the municipality of Rezekne in the deinstitutionalisation plan of the Latgale Planning Region for 2018-2020 by sources of financing and harmonisation of the value of the monitoring indicators to be achieved
23. On the approval of the results of the auction rights of the immovable property “Crown ponds” with cadastre number 7854 001 0011 in the parish OF Gaigalavas

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