Notification regarding the water supply and sewerage tariff project OF the municipality OF Rēzekne Municipality SIA “VILNIUS HOUSEKEEPER”

Local government SIA “VILNIUS HOUSEKEEPER”, registration No. 52403003451, registered office of the Liep iela 2C, Viļāni, Rēzekne municipality, LV-4650, on 11 November 2021 for the municipality of Rezekne, release alley 95a, Rezekne, LV-4601 submitted for approval a new tariff for water supply and sewerage services, which has been calculated on the basis of the binding Regulation No 1/2 of the Commission of the Commission of the European Commission of 14.01.2016 on the methodology for calculation of tariffs for water management services and the Law No 28 of the municipality of Rezekne of 7 September 2017 “Methodology for calculation of tariffs for water supply and sewerage services in the territory of the municipality of Rezekne”.

Type of public service Existing tariff from 2012
(excluding VAT)
Tariff from
 1 February 2022
(excluding VAT)
Water supply service tariff
Viļānu area of association (Viļāni, New wave, Livans home, Radopole, Strupļi, Skudnovka, Dekšāres, Atspuk, algae)
0,63 EUR/m3

1,48 EUR/m3
Sewerage service Tarifs
Viļānu association area (Viļāni, New wave, Livans home, Radopole, Strupes, Dekšāres)
1,31 EUR/m3

2,12 EUR/m3

The tariff will enter into force on 1 February 2022.

THE Waterhousekeeper of SIA “VILNIUS HOUSING” has not been revised since 26 September 2012 and does not cover the costs of providing water management services.

Estimated tariff increase is justified the fact that the electricity tariff has increased three times since 2012, with tax changes (for example, the tax rate on water extraction has increased six times since 2012; the tax rate on water pollution has increased twice since 2012), with wage growth in the country (since 2012, the minimum wage has increased four times), fuel prices have increased twice since 2012, with changes in the depreciation of fixed assets (the value and number of fixed assets have increased). It is also necessary to make improvements to the water management system in order to ensure the provision of quality services in the future. 

How has the new tariff project been developed?

The planned tariff for water management services has been drawn up on the basis of Commission Decision No 1/2 of the Commission of the European Commission of 14.01.2016 on the methodology for calculation of tariffs for water management services and the binding regulations No 28 of the municipality of Rezekne of 7 September 2017 “Methodology for calculation of tariffs for water supply and sewerage services in the territory of the municipality of Rezekne”.

     The calculation of the tariff project for water management services includes items (see Annex):

  • depreciation of fixed assets and depreciation of goodwill,
  • staff costs,
  • maintenance and repair costs of fixed assets,
  • other operating costs,
  • tax payments,
  • quantity of water supplied to users (m3), amount of wastewater collected (m3), (the calculation of the tariff was affected by the decrease in the volume of water supplied).  

By March 12, 2020, SIA “VILNIUS BUILDER” was registered in the register of public service regulation Commission (SPRK) water-holding service providers. On October 10, 2018, a draft tariff for water management services developed BY SPRK WAS submitted to SPRK. In the context of the examination of the tariff project, regular reciprocal correspondence between SPRK and SIA “VILNIUS BUILDER” was held during the period from October 2018 to March 2020, clarifications were provided and additional information requested. In March 2020, SIA “VILNIUS HOUSEKEEPER” was excluded from the register of water service providers, on the grounds that the volume of water-holding services provided BY SIA “VILNIUS HOUSEKEEPER” did not comply with the requirements laid down in Cabinet Regulation No. 1227 of 27 October 2009 “Regulations on regulated public service types”. 

 SIA “VILNIUS HOUSEKEEPER” has been working with losses for several years and the company is only due to the funds received from the provision of service services (assenisation, repairs, and other paid services, according to the price service charges approved on 25 October 2018). Grants, loss, company not received.   

In order to be able to exist, only emergency repairs are required without investing in the development of the company. Such costs, such as electricity, fuel, taxes, materials necessary for repairs, etc., MAY not be affected BY SIA “VILNIUS HOUSEKEEPER”, so that the costs of the water-holding services they provide cannot be reduced.

The user of the service may express his or her proposals and recommendations regarding the planned changes in the tariff for water supply and sewerage service via e-pasta address:, by 6 December 2021 at noon 16.30.

Contact person: Gita Kozlova, tel. 26135252.

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