Announced winners of the Award OF Rēzekne SEZ commercial companies
On November 12, the annual “Rēzekne Special Economic Zone (Rēzekne SEZ) Commercial Companies Annual Prize” competition, a solemn online event was awarded and honoured by the most successful Rēzekne SEZ commercial companies. In assessing the 2020 indicators, the “annual company” title in the group of large/medium-sized commercial companies was allocated to the veneer producer “VEREMS” IN THE RSEZ SIA and the small commercial company group – metalworking company “LATSTAB” RSEZ SIA.
The annual prize competition of Rezekne SEZ commercial companies is organised with the aim of assessing and honouring the most successful commercial companies OF Rezekne SEZ, as well as their products and services, assessing the results of the previous year's activities. Rēzekne SEZ manager Krista Freiberga, during the event, gave the companies a gratitude: “thank all Rēzekne SEZ companies for their time in doing business here in the region! By developing infrastructure and creating jobs, companies attract the new families and professionals of Rezekne and Rezekne, who can feel safe about the development of their professional life and material security. The Rēzekne SEZ administration has a real pleasure to be a part of the team of 19 commercial companies and to give the opportunity to reduce bureaucratic burdens, raise funds and co-finance projects for the provision of staff training, infrastructure development or personal protection funds! The Rēzekne SEZ Board is ambitious to become the most successful investment attraction mechanism in the region, and the success and success of entrepreneurs is a success proof that Rezekne SEZ is the right place for your investments!”
On the winner “Gada of the Year” in the category of large/medium-sized commercial companies, “VEREM” RSEZ, what the Minister of Economics Janis Witenbergs did at the time of the online event. In addition to the main nomination “VEREMS”, RSEZ SIA company received 1 st place in the nomination “annual cooperation partner” and 2 nd place in nomination “the most socially responsible company”. In 2020, THE total turnover of “VEREMS” RSEZ LTD amounted to eur 31 million. RSEZ SIA employs 338 employees in 2020 and is the largest employer in Rezekne municipality. The company's activities are also welcomed by the Rēzekne business association, where the company supports various initiatives and actively participates in events and cooperation meetings. SIA “ALAAS” also nominates a company as an excellent sorter with a total recycling of 367,4 m3 of waste in 2020.
On the other hand, in the group of small commercial companies, “Gada of the Year” was recognized “LATSTAB” RSEZ SIA, what was the parliamentary secretary of the Ministry of Environment and Regional Development Gatis Zamurs. “LATSTAB” RSEZ SIA also awarded awards in the following nominations - 1 st place in nomination “product of the year”, 2 nd place in nomination “socially responsible company”. The company is rapidly developing in the territory of Rezekne SEZ and currently operates in the renowned production/storage complex at the release alley 155A, k-1, Rezekne, which is one of the projects implemented by the Rēzekne State City Council to promote entrepreneurship in the city. THE turnover of “LATSTAB” RSEZ SIA reached 1.9 million euros in 2020 and 48 employees were employed.
Recognition article on 2 nd place in nomination “annual enterprise” in 2020 in the group of large/medium-sized commercial companies was granted to the company Maximum sentence length exceeded., but 3 th was acquired by “Optoelectronics LV” RSEZ SIA. On the other hand, the recognition article on 2 nd place in the nomination “annual company” in the small group of companies was granted to the company “Rezekne Dzirnavnieks” RSEZ AS, but 3 th was acquired by “REBIR” RSEZ AS. Several nominations were also performed during the online event: RSEZ “MAGISTR - FISCAL EVEGN GROUP.MF G” SIA “annual exporter”, RSEZ SIA “IRBIS Technology” – “environmentally friendly company”, “Midis” SIA RSEZ “Rēzekne SEZ Year Debbie”, Newsprint RSEZ SIA “the most socially responsible company”. Likewise, the recognition articles were presented “MEGASTEEL” RSEZ SIA for 2 nd place in the nomination “product of the year”, Energy Resources CHP RSEZ SIA 2 nd place in the nomination “socially responsible enterprise”, as well as “TURMAN” RSEZ SIA and “NORDKOM” RSEZ SIA 2 nd place in nomination “annual cooperation partner”.
In the context of the annual prize competition of the Rēzekne SEZ commercial companies, the commercial companies were assessed in 10 nominations: “annual enterprise”, “annual product”, “annual service”, “annual exporter”, “environmentally friendly company”, “annual innovation”, “Rezekne SEZ year Debbie”, “socially responsible enterprise”, “annual cooperation partner”, “annual employer”.
The Rēzekne SEZ Board thanked the co-operation partners who nominated candidates in the nomination “annual cooperation partner”, as well as supported the organisation of an online event: Ministry of Economics, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Rēzekne District Council, Rēzekne municipality council, SIA “Olympic Centre Rezekne”, Rēzekne business association, SIA “ALAAS”, AS “development finance institution Altum” branch of Latgale region, DCFLA Latgale region division, Rezekne Technology Academy, Rezekne Technique, etc.
For Rezeknes special economic zone:
Rezekne SEZ was established on 23 April 1997 on the basis of the “Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Act”. This Law prescribes the procedures for the administration and utilisation of Rezekne SEZ, requirements for the performance of commercial activities and investments, as well as the functions and tasks of the Rēzekne SEZ administration.
The Law on the Application of Taxes in Free Ports and Special Economic Zones is laid down in the Law on the Application of Tax Facilities in Free Ports and Special Economic Zones. Rezekne SEZ registered commercial companies may to receive both direct tax discounts (real īpašuma tax, the company income tax on dividends), both also indirect tax relief, creating RSEZ in the area free areas, as also performing investments. Tax relief for Rezekne SEZ will be applicable until 31 December 2035.
The total area of Rezekne SEZ is 1155 ha, which includes the administrative territory of the municipality of Rēzekne and Rēzekne. With Rezekne SEZ commercial companies status In 2021: 19 commercial companies.
Additional information:
Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Administration
Phone: (+371) 2863 3550; e-mail address; website:
Prepared by: Daiga Uanne,
Rēzekne SEZ Management External Relations Organizer
Phone: (+371) 2863 3550; e-mail address; website: