Login to the project “Lakes terrestrial stories”


For young people

With the financial support of the educational administration of Rezekne, from July 25 to July 29, the association “Centre for the Creative Initiatives of Eastern Latvia”, Rēzekne municipality, organises a training project “Lakes terrestrial stories” for pupils and young people. We will be working at Daugavpils University's research base, “Long”, in the centre of nature education, “Razna”, to explore the activities of night animals. We'll enjoy the summer at Feimaņu and Razna Lake, a hive in the water-attraction park. It will be possible to participate in creative workshops, natural sciences and sports activity teams and individual competitions.

Login for membership and details by phone: 29635654 or 20223135. Gathering at Feimaņu primary school 25.07.2022. pl .10 .00

Anna Kudure

Project Coordinator

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