Peterdine Rogovskaya nusvynate!


A puzzle bread in a collection of Desetnaments.

For 18 honors, Rogovka celebrated Peterdine, who was a poet of the poet i published for Peter Jurisa's duck. Ituous poem palyktu 90 honour. A collection of desetnaments with sickly neighborhood of ryndom i breineigom, Nautrana vydsškolys školuotuoi Nellija Žogota, Irena Ranāne i Ivars Rjabovskis, received a poem of poem.

A concert concert in Nautrana sports hall – culturys hire, in which the Sovvalnk i Weir “Gbroadcasters” (dirigent Juoņs Mežinskis and Edgars Kuorklinīks), i Literatu contest lauer apbolvushuoshuoshuoshuos.

The traditional speciali in the apreel suocum was announced by the Literatu contest, the oil teate P. Jurcea's duck, the Daleiteit dorbus pipcuos nominacetyos: poetry, proza, sketch voi vineyard, beard Literatura i latgaliskode paruodeisone sevant in the dailliteraturys genre dorb. The motto of the competition, Bay Peter Jurisa's vouchers, “can be seen in the eyes of the typewriter, but the nightmare – in the light of the sunlight.”

13 authors with 14 dorbs who atbylda chetrom nominacejom compete in the competition. Dorbi's dramaturgey, dyspnoea, will be honest in nateik. The visitor's commissioner called the nuocamad to celebrate the sketches, a loveless teenage teenager i younger. The winner of the competition is a commissioner of the savage Beja:

Veronica Dundure – Latgale voludys, literaturys and culturally-based choluotuoju associate (LVLKSHA), Nautrana vydsškolys Latvians voludys školuotuoya, Atzineibas krysta Commander/2020/,

Long Suplinska - literaturzynuotneica, sabbisuo workineica i politike,

Anna Rancāne – poet neica, magazine, dramaturge.

The visitor's commissioner, dorbi tyka, feeds with cuortys numbering. I'm so close to it, "said Bay, the unwielded Ignaceju laureati, the typewriters of the typewriter.

The konkursa of the competition was produced by Rēzeknis Nauvoda Nautrana Pogosta Puorwalde, and THE speculator of the spectacles of the speculators. 

  • Nominaceja “Barnu Literatura”: Aelitai Andrejevai, suokumškolys školuotuoya – monetdys bolva 100 EUR
  • Nominaceja “proza”: Claudia Dembovsk, Rēzeknis Katuou vydsškolys class 11 for shkozy neicai — cash bolva 100 EUR
  • Nominaceja “Latgaliskuos vierteibys”: Aelitai Andrejevai – cash bolva 100 EUR
  • Recognition in the nominee “poetry”: Ilzei Vovka, Auleja TN kulturys pasuocum organizer - cash bolva 50 EUR
  • Applause in the nominee “poetry”: Brigitai Birkova, pylna-time student Vidzeme High School, Communicacea i sabdric purgibu - naudys bolva 50 EUR 

The speculator OF the spectacles on the barn prose in Latgale's voluminous Aelita Andrejeva as a studio “Luochu Zemneicu Mads”. 

Rykovys's new literature “Dzeta flavour” (Skoluotuoja Iveta Dimzule) was also commented on the bolva tyka. Ji Beja's newcomer competition daleibomes (9 leap 16 honors). Kotre daleibanka sajeme duovonenis, but New York Literature Coop - duovone card 100 EUR in smart shopping “flame” nu Nautrana Pogosta puorwaldis

The Veira cube “Gbroadcasters” Beja will prepare a wide-ranging concert program: the fame of the Latgale authors, the peoples of the economy, the poetry of Peter Jurisdiction, the Couple Oscar Lustiks. The Cheres i gazed at Latgolai i Nautrand so badly nuzeimeiguos - “Peroom, bruise”, “Skaidruo voloda” i “Vuolyudzeite”. The Sovewalker i Marek Gusana's repertoire had many living with Peter Jurisa's voucher.


A cockpit for a pipe-breaker, a sucking bastard, an atbolic i dareyson!!! 

SIA “Latvian State Forests” i Vaļsts kulturys for the Latgolys kulturys programme for financials atbolst! 

The Peterdine is a nutonate! I'll see you in the noisy honour!


Inga Vigule, Nautrana Pogosta kulturys organizer

Photo: Arvīds Gauda

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