On March 9, shortly before the Latvian Basketball Union competition “Carton Cup”, a new basketball generation of the children-youth school of Rezekne met IN a multifunctional hall OF Maltas. This time, Maltese greeted the game's opponents from Dricāniem and Nautrēniem both boys and girls. Twinning matches took place between 4 girls and 4 boys. The result was not important for games. THE purpose of BJSS trainers was to strengthen the rules of the basketball game developed in the training process and the first elements of the game technique – dribel, games and shooting.
Thank YOU very much FOR THE donation of THE SEB bank, with the help of which the Rēzekne municipality's children-youth sports school had the opportunity to admire all children with key hangings and spiritual holidays!
Savukārt 14. un 15. martā, skolēnu pavasara brīvdienās, Rēzeknes novada sporta skolas 4 komandas devās uz “Kāruma kausa” spēlēm, kuras norisinājās Rīgā, Madonā un Rēzeknē. Turnīrs notiek 4 posmos Latvijā jau septīto sezonu. Šosezon no visas Latvijas rekordliels spēlētāju skaits piesakās uz katru no posmiem 3.posmā pieteicās 133 komandas, kuru skaitā bija arī mūs mazie basketbolisti no Maltas, Dricāniem un Nautrēniem.
Paldies treneriem Inesei Bolšijai, Līgai Ludboržai un Andrim Putrānam par jaunās paaudzes motivēšanu spēlēt basketbolu un sajust spēles garšu, kura ne vienmēr ir tik salda!
Arnita Poisha