Rēzekne Municipality Education Board launches a new project on career support
In order to provide support to young people in the choice of the future profession, the Education Board of Rezekne is beginning to implement project No. of the European Social Fund (ESF) “career support in general and vocational education institutions”. Project implementation time: 7 March 2017 - 31 August 2020.
The following k shall be provided for in the 2016/2017 school year:arrier support measures in the municipality:
1. The work is started by 4 pedagogical career consultants, who will implement career education programmes in experimental schools: Maltas in secondary school - Maruta Krasnobaja; Tiskad High School and Sakstagala Jānis Kaida in elementary school – Renata Stikāne; Nautrēnu and Lucia Rananes McKashan in secondary schools - Edgars Yukna; Kaunatas in secondary school and Rēznas elementary school - Dace Zagorska.
2. Career development support measures are implemented for both students of pilot schools and non-project schools (Vocational School of Studies, Dricānu secondary school, Gaigalavas primary school, Feimaņu primary school, Audriņu primary school, Jaunjjan elementary school) for students.
Career Development Support Action Plan
Members of the career development support system and their roles.
Elita Opincane,
Rezekne Municipality Education Administration
pedagogical methodological work and lifelong learning specialist
Tel.: 64607186, mob.: 29443013
Email: elita.opincane@saskarsme.lv