The Rēzekne municipality's vocal studio “Skonai” presents the first video



On the evening of 18 September, the voxal studio “Skonai” of friends, families and supporters of the Rēzekne, presented his latest performance – a video clip of “sound, debit”. On July 23, the cloning of the clip in the field “Jones” on the shore of Rushon Lake is called one of the most vivid adventures of this summer, which remained in memory of both the tense work of up to three o'clock, with the countless smells and the Dunduru codents, and the laughter and joy of being together in the friendly “Skonai” family.

“Although the song“ sound, debit ”is about summer, it was created in the snowy January 2013,” said Guntra Kuzmina, the artistic leader of “Skonai”. “Nature, like young people, is unpredictable, so that song“ Sonians ”is very strong, and there was no doubt that it should be the first video of the vocal studio. In addition, this was the first song that“ Sonians ”learned when they started working together.”

The music and word author of the video clung to the video is Guntra Kuzmina. The choreography was created by Edgars Jukna, the clip operator and director is Maris Justs, while the sound recording was recorded by Ata Auzana studio. The artistic manager of the schooner revealed how the next video might be a song “when you're not” (Guntras Kuzminas music, Voldemara Vogula words).

Videoklipa prezentācijā klātesošos uzrunā Atmiņās par filmēšanas procesu dalās videoklipa operators un režisors Māris Justs (foto: Madara Ļaksa)Atmiņās par 23. jūliju - dienu, kad tika uzņemts videoklips - dalās Dzied Rēzeknes novada vokālā studija Videoklips ir izdevies - par to liecina arī klātesošo nerimstošie aplausi (foto: Madara Ļaksa)

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