Rikaviets set up the Legacy Garden
With the support of the entire Latvian People's Republic on the island in Daugavpils, Koknesse, top LikteņGarzs. The participants of the ethnographic ensemble “Rikava”, in anticipation of their collective 60 th anniversary, had decided to visit the Law Gardens and contribute to its formation. With THE support of Rikavas parish administration, we implemented this idea on 31 May.
In the place where thousands of people's thoughts and memories met, we had a significant meeting, thanks to whom, that day became so emotional and soulful. Gide Anita - Rikavas's excellent teacher Joseph Liepiņa's granddaughter was waiting for us in the law garden. Her guided excursion and the narrative of the history of this unique memorial place, the idea and creation of the Legacy, really touched each of us and made it deeper to be aware of the People's past. Each grey stone has its story of the 600 000 people who have lost Latvia in the 20 th century - dispersed and stayed on the roads of the world, killed, repressed, forced to leave Latvia, as well as later victims of their beliefs or rashes. The design of the Japanese landscape architect Sunmio Masuno is really fascinating and persuaded that the St. Garden will become the intended place of memorial, comfort, enlightenment.
On 18 November 2018, Latvia will celebrate hundreds of years. The Legislative Garden is a gift of the whole People's gift to Latvia. Everyone is invited to participate and contribute to its implementation. Also, in my opinion, the joy of participation and the joint donation brought the fulfillment of this idea - we planted an oak with a memorial mark and a dedication to the “Latvian people”, making it symbolically a part of the Legacy Garden. Why the oak? The choice was unambiguous - the oak was woven into our collective flag. Our latest participants said: “the oak is a strong tree” was a proof of our choice.
As a reminder of a nice day, we took a note of gratitude from the Koknese Foundation for the contribution to the Legislative Garden. We came home for one memorable and filled day richer.
“It's a place where the past, present and future meet.” Both human and national. Meet to give comfort to the past, force today and inspire to fulfill their dreams in the future. As last centuries, the generations left the monument behind them, so we will leave the Legislative Garden behind us. Significant and patriotic words.
Aija Dundure
Head of the ethnographic ensemble “Rikava”