Primary school students are familiar with theatre and related professions
As a result of diversifying approaches to the development of the career development of the Rēzekne municipality, a masterpiece “acquainted with theatre!” was offered, during which, in an interactive way through the game for Indian life, children had the opportunity to enjoy different types of theatre art (actor art, doll theatre, shadow theatre), to explore the professions associated with the stage art.
The most courageous and interested students could try to feel the theatre environment using masks. At the time of the creative workshop and discussions, the primary school pupils had a broader vision of how many professions were involved in the creation of the theatre of theatrical art (performances). The young actors also talked about the learning process in the cultural academy, where they learn to play musical instruments, juggling, acrolactic elements, speech art, etc. It was a surprise for the pupils!
The masterpiece “Let's get to know theatre” was organised under the European Social fonda Project No. “career support in general and vocational education institutions”. More than 80 students from 5 project pilot schools took part in the event: Nautrēnu, Lucia Rananes McCasanas, Maltas, Kaunatas secondary schools and Rēznas elementary schools.
Elita Opincane,
IM specialist, project coordinator in Rezekne municipality