SIA “Midis” RSEZ becomes a commercial company of Rezekne SEZ

On 22 April 2020, the supervisory board of the Rēzekne Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Administration adopted a decision to grant the status of Rēzekne SEZ commercial company to SIA “Midis” RSEZ, which offers the development, integration and maintenance of software (business solutions) for private and public enterprises.
SIA “Midis” RSEZ is active in the market as from 2010. SIA “Midis” RSEZ provides a full IT development cycle: needs analysis, design, development, testing, quality assurance, maintenance, user support and training. The company continuously introduces innovative software solutions in the process of systematisation, management, distribution and maintenance to meet customer expectations and needs.
SIA “Midis” RSEZ Rēzeknes SEZ plans to expand the range and extent of its services and build new premises for commercial activities. As part of the investment project, the company plans to create 30 new jobs FOR specialists by 2024 and invest more than eur 1 million.
Regarding the special economic zone of Rezekne:
Rezekne SEZ was established on 23 April 1997 on the basis of the “Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Act”. This Law prescribes the procedures for the administration and utilisation of Rezekne SEZ, requirements for the performance of commercial activities and investments, as well as the functions and tasks of the Rēzekne SEZ administration.
The Law on the Application of Taxes in Free Ports and Special Economic Zones is laid down in the Law on the Application of Tax Facilities in Free Ports and Special Economic Zones. The companies registered in Rezekne SEZ may receive both direct tax discounts (real estate tax, corporate tax on dividends) and indirect tax relief, forming free zones in THE territory OF THE RSEZ, as well as making investments. Tax relief for Rezekne SEZ will be applicable until 31 December 2035.
The total area of Rezekne SEZ is 1155 ha, which includes the administrative territory of the municipality of Rēzekne and Rēzekne. A commercial company of Rezekne SEZ operates 20 commercial companies in 2020. 
Additional information: Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Administration
Phone: (+371) 2863 3550; e-mail address; website:
Prepared by: Daiga Uanne,
Rēzekne SEZ Management External Relations Organizer
Phone: (+371) 2863 3550; e-mail address; website:

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