There were basketball players in the fountains!

An active, meaningful, friendly atmosphere was spent on April 2 at the Sherjan Sports Hall, where there was a Friendship Championship in Basketball and Dricānu for boys.

Eight games (each game of 30 in) were played in the intense team matches, so that the total time of the competition was almost five hours.

In summing up the scores and the basket ratio, the 1 st place in the competition was won by the team “AIRBALL”, 2 nd place – the team “JJJANS”, but the team “2007!” ranked in 3 rd place.

The winners were awarded with medal and diplomas. The promotion prize was also received by 4 th place winner – the “TANKS” team.

THE BEST THREE-POINT WELDER was also found in the competition. In the fifteen-member competition, THIS title and cup were won BY DANIELS ZEIRUĻS.

The prize of gratitude was also received by the competition idea generator, the motivator and the player together, our parish “sport tall” ANDRIS PUTRĀNS.

Sincere thanks to both basketball players and supporters who made this day interesting, active and sporting productive!


Leocadia Razgale, Head of the Cyrus Cultural House

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