“Technobus Latvia” in the schools of Rezekne municipality
Throughout the last week, from 20 to 24 March, the European Social Fund project No. “career support in general and vocational education institutions” in Rezekne municipality's educational institutions: Tiskada, Nautrēnu, Dricānu, Maltas and Kaunatas in secondary school were visited by “TehnoBuss Latvia”, which can be called a mobile career education workshop. 504 students from 9 schools participated in the event. Instructors with professional experience in the engineering sector presented equipment, explained the operation and application of modern systems.
With special interest, children and young people watched THE WORK of THE 3D printer, but its operating principles were discovered by the instructor Ainars Dambergs in a simple, comprehensible manner. The most courageous and interested young people could try to work with the equipment themselves. In the course of the lesson, young people were interested in engineering, engineering, metalworking, electronics specialities, as well as specialists told about educational and career opportunities.
Elita Opincane,
IM specialist, project coordinator in Rezekne municipality