Online event “Waste sorting ABC in Europe and Latvia” ALREADY TOMORROW!


EU news

The European “green course” is a new growth strategy for the European Union, which, alongside many other challenges, requires the use of less resources and less waste, the prevention of their emergence and the stimulation of their recycling, informing the public and encouraging consumers to make choices that protect the environment.

On June 21, the Central Library of Rezekne, within the framework of the “Europe Direct East Latgale” project, calls for an online event “Waste sorting ABC in Europe and Latvia”, during which THE MS Teams platform will be able to listen to 2 lectures.

Plkst .14 .00 lecture “to prevent garbage from becoming waste”, in which a sustainable fashion designer and the brand “VelgaCode” producer Velga Krukovsky will talk about sustainable fashion, the impact of fast fashion on the environment, the life cycles of clothing, the re-use of textiles.

In turn, at 14.45 In the lecture, “start with yourself!” Anita Vaivode, the national knowledge and geography teacher of the Catholic Gymnia of Rezekne, will present the experience of sorting of waste that has been taken over for several years in the projects of the Eco-Schools' programme.

During the event, Zigrīda Gorsvane, Deputy Director of the Central Library of Rezekne, will present the electronic information resources of the Central Library of Rezekne on the recycling and management of waste.

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