35. Latgale pottery days - fire and clay ritual



As early as the end of April 35, people from close and distant Latvian provinces gather in Rezekne's municipality to feel the bitter scent of the clay, the power of fire and the infinity of the art. Since the beginning of the podiers' days, a new generation of clay lovers have grown, which continues to be the beginning of the ancestors, to Latgale so traditional and belonging to the peoples of the podiers. This year, the main hat of the pottery days was filled with Aivars and flames in the Ushmel workshop Malny wylky, Maltas parish “Jyndros”. As the father of Aivars says, now an old man, Anton Ushellis, in the same workshop where he was, in 1981, the days of the second Latgale pottery, then known as the ceramic days, the ancient photograph shows a real art coriferous pleadade, including the art scientists John Puyt, the painter of the painting Gunar Krolli, the ceramic Eduard Detlava. The tradition has been preserved, and it is also not only those who are close to the People's art who are looking for the way to the podiers, but also wishing to be together because the killing is not merely a mechanical process, it is a whole ritual, supplemented by other works of art.
So that year, Friday, on the evening of 24 April, the visitors had the opportunity to try the clay cupping by hand, draw, admire the dance of Bauska's ladies, to feel in the midst of the Middle Age, taking part in the history of the history reconstruction club “Kroma kolna turoliste”, but when the spring evening sky darkened the dark greenish, it was in admiration that the Gundars Kozlovsky was a fire bird. There was no shortage of gastronomic pleasure, of course – in one boiler, “Latgolys Gold” babra's head soup with the soup and the dietetic cheque, the second boiler, a satile lamb soup, two places on a fire in huge pans to get all of them, were roasted with aromatic blinds.
On the other hand, the owner, Aivars Ushmis, was more familiar with his own bakery, where 14 artist works were burned. The burning of the baker usually takes 14 – 20 hours and all this time, particularly the last 4 – 6 hours, must be the owner. Everyone is waiting for a moment when the flame tongues shoot through a clay of clay that covers the top of the bat. The temperature in Latgale pottery is up to 980 degrees Celsius. As the art scientist Janis Puyt writes in his book, “a real master, with his hat with his hat, can tell, after sparks, whether the dishes are ready.” In any event, the killing of a baker requires a great sense of responsibility, the result of which he will see only the next morning.
The morning of 25 April came spring warm, confirming Inara Pleiksnes, head of the cultural division of the municipality of Rezekne, that spring is usually coming together with the days of gutters. A carton of fragments was removed and the dishes from the bakery, in the hands of the villages, and twisted and twisted, were assembled in the courtyard to cow in the spring sun and tempt the eyes of the buyers. The gutter's wife, vēsma Ushmouse, wiped and greased the mixture of oil and wax. The pots and bowls, vases and plates were delighted with shapes, colors, drawings, and a special form of svilpaunieks had also been found in the hat, not the birds, the horses, but the spotted hooks.
This time, two biscuits were burned - another, smaller, which was nursed by wives – Cēsis ceramic League Mergina and Evie Vasilevska. From this baker was raised by hand-sticky dishes, the shapes of which come from hundreds of years of ancient history, confirming the inheritance of the podiers' art and traditions.
35. Latgale podiers' days ended with a grand exhibition in the renovated Lūznavas manor, which could be seen throughout the summer.
Anna Rancāne
Photo Gallery
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