Uzņēmēj in Latgale, using the opportunity: receive EU funding and raise your staff at the school bench!



The Latvian Employers Confederation (LDDK), in cooperation with entrepreneurs and vocational educational institutions, shall implement the project “Participation of students of vocational educational institutions in work environment-based training and learning practices in enterprises”, which are financially supported by the European Union Social Fund, in cooperation with entrepreneurs and vocational educational institutions.
The objective of the project is to increase the number of students of qualified vocational educational institutions after their participation in work environment-based training or training practice in the enterprise. The first part of the project is the implementation of work-based learning. Entrepreneurs, in agreement with vocational education institutions (PII), may implement work-based learning and receive substantial financial support. The second part of the project is a practice which has been implemented so far by entrepreneurs in cooperation with vocational educational institutions, but it is now possible for entrepreneurs to receive ESF funding. Entrepreneurs who engage in the project and implement learning practices will no longer need to fill in a number of different documents, as in previous EU SF periods, but only at the end of the learning practice should be drawn up for the company to receive financial support.
Jolanta Vjakse, head of the “working environment-based learning” (DVB) project: “At the end of the school year, it is concluded that activity from enterprises and professional learning institutions, as well as young people, has been greater than expected. Currently, 1469 companies, 34 educational institutions and 4341 young people are involved in the project. We are also planning to continue implementation of the project in the new school year!
What is a working environment-based learning?
This is the involvement of the entrepreneur in the vocational training process, where the entrepreneur and school jointly agree which curriculum can be implemented in the enterprise.
Why do businesses get involved in this project?
For several decades, we hear that entrepreneurs are not satisfied with the skills of professional school students/graduates. Consequently, THE LDDK has compiled a number of sectoral views on how to improve the quality of vocational education – entrepreneurs are involved in the development of programmes, participate in the process and evaluation of examinations. The next logical step is the participation of employers in the learning process in their businesses, teaching students the skills of the professions needed in a fast-changing economy. ”
A businessman may receive compensation for work with a vocational school student up to eur 225 per month per student, and up to eur 225 per acquisition of personal protective equipment and other expenses related to the expenditure of the protection of the work of a student in an undertaking.
The Latgale project coordinator, Juris Vjakse, says “the project is a good support instrument to provide additional funding to an employee in the company who trainees the student, both when the enterprise is implementing the work environment-based training, and if the company is implementing practices. Similarly, financial support is provided from the project's resources so that an enterprise can be provided with individual labour protection measures. The means of the project shall also be possible to carry out the insurance of the pupil, to cover the compulsory health checks and medical bookkeeping expenditure, to carry out vaccination against tick encephalitis, if necessary during the course of practice, as well as the project has been granted funding to enable the student to enter the undertaking in which the work environment-based training is implemented or the practice of learning. '
A businessman may receive compensation for work with a vocational school student up to 120 euros per practice per nursery, up to eur 225 per acquisition of personal protective equipment and other expenses related to the expenditure of the protection of the work of a student.
Galician Guntis Vjakse, co-ordinator of the Latgale Region project, says “181 students are currently engaged in the KDVB training in Latgale region, with 711 students in practice. The most active vocational training institutions of the region, which participate in the implementation of work-based learning, are the centre of vocational education competence“ Daugavpils technicums ”, Daugavpils trade vocational secondary school and the construction technique of Daugavpils. In Latgale region, 186 companies have entered into cooperation agreements, indicating that entrepreneurs have an interest in attracting students to their jobs. With the participation of the project, all stakeholders are obtained, as the project provides support to both entrepreneurs and the existing trainee as their staff, both vocational schools and learners to prepare for working life and become professional professionals.”
Rēzekne is the owner OF the company's guest house “Green Island” Rita Tērauda: “For several years, we have developed a successful collaboration with Rezekne's technique. Students who learn hospitality services and catering services come to the guest house in practice. In the previous year of school, 2017/2018 engaged in the project“ Participation of learners of vocational education institutions in work environment-based training and learning practices in enterprises ”. In my view, it is a very good opportunity for the entrepreneur to participate in the learning process. The beneficiaries are both learners, as they have already acquired both theoretical knowledge and real practical skills, and the beneficiaries are also entrepreneurs who have prepared their employees for their industry. Of course, the material support provided by this project is also essential because the quality training of learners is time-consuming. '
On the possibilities to participate in the project, Latgale entrepreneurs, we are invited to contact LDDK Latgale Region Coordinator Juri Gunti Vjaksi, tel. 29421087, e-mail
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