More than 40 domestic producers, small producers and craftsmen joined the association to promote demand for their products

More than half a year, the project “Latvian domestic producers” is active in social networks and the Internet, where the purchaser is informed about Latvian domestic producers, craftsmen and small producers, encouraging them to purchase their products and updating information on the various activities and industry.
The project author is the information and support association of Latvian domestic producers and small producers. The main objective of the association – through the possibilities of modern information technology – social networks and the Internet, as well as mass media – to collect information regarding Latvian domestic producers, small producers and craftsmen in a single database with which to bring together a buyer with a producer and to promote demand for producer products!
We are currently working on a catalogue of homepages – Internet domestic producers, craftsmen and small producers – in which every member will be able to place maximum information on himself and his output – creating a small “website” in a common catalogue The website is still at the stage of development and is supplemented by information and improved functionality every day. The homepage is created by the own forces – for members' money, but we are also looking for possible solutions to the attraction of financing.
Currently, more than 40 members from various Latvian sites have joined the Latvian household and small producer information and support association – fruit and berry products, dairy products, vegetables, greens and even watermelons, domestic vineyards, sweets, canning and jam producers, natural product shops and craftsmen. We also find producers who have a BIO certificate.
Main benefits and activities – active activity in social networks, competitions, information about markets and events, opportunity to create and comment articles, evaluate producers on the website, recipes with producer products, excursion offers to farms, advantageous offers from industry companies and collaborators, advice in marketing and product directions, promotional activities to address a buyer.
Each member finds something useful for himself – someone, thanks to the activities of the association, is included on tourist rallie routes and takes a huge number of guests and buyers on their farm, someone else is grateful for the regular flow of information about the possibilities to sell products in the markets.
Household Antra from Kandava is pleased that there is no need to seek information about the markets, but she receives it in e-mail. The wool masters Diana has acquired new leads for her production. Ainars also received orders from new customers from Krustpils.
“The cooperation with“ Latvian domestic producers ”has really been successful and it is still at the very beginning of our viewpoint. We are provided with information not only on different possibilities, where and how we can show ourselves, but also with what is happening in the sector as such. Activities and competitions in social networks help both to communicate the movement as such and to each domestic producer, it is another excellent way to show themselves and their new products!” – it is recognised as co-operation by representatives of the “very Berry” company.
We invite producers, craftsmen, farms, ecostores, restaurants and promoters to join our society, receiving information marketing support that will help get new customers and collaborators, and realize shared ideas! If you seem to be interested in our goals and the benefits you offer – join by sending a letter to
Agris Locs
Information and support societies of Latvian domestic producers and small producers
Member of the Board, tel. 27057686

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