National Language Day Audriņu at Basic School



On 13 May, on the birthday of Jura Alunana, everyone was invited to celebrate the national language. In response to the invitation of the Museum of Writing and Museum - celebrate the day of the official language, an interesting festival idea was implemented at Audriņu primary school. From the morning of the early morning, students in classes 1-9 had the opportunity to participate in the tragedy and mentioning competition and to reveal their talent in the silent show.
The most active were the smallest. The feedback from children and colleagues showed that the event was successful. Tatjana Vabale, a teacher of Latvian language and literature teacher Sandra Jershava and primary school teacher Tatjana Vabale, was preparing the tasks.
Thank you very much for the references to Oxanai Broadow, Alinai Krasovsk, Allai Vorobjova and Jelenai Pimahou!
Sandra Jershaw,
organizer of the event
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