Old toy story

We must have had one of us in a childhood, who shared with us both concern and joy, and had been there for a very long time, and that is why we have asked to refer to people who have survived their childhood toy and whose “life” is more than thirty years. A huge THANK you to those who responded to the call and sent the picture to the remote exhibition “THE STORY OF THE OLD TOY.”

Thanks TO SARMITE'S STEPPE for the olimpic bear, the doll Malvini, the red beauty and the chucky dolls who lived in the family and passed from generation to generation from the sixties of the last century.

The tencation OF SYLVIA'S IGRAM of the wonderful lover of her childhood – a bull, SVETLANA CHARIKOVA, of childhood doll Alionka, CHRISTIAN BLACK, who brought three dolls from her and her mother's childhood to the cultural house. LUDMILAI FEOCLISTOV, about the delicious decades of the seventies of the last century, ERICA'S MAZUREI for the sixties of the last century, the souvenirs of the Riga porcelain factory.

It turns out, too, that my childhood doll Rasma and the souvenirs, whom i did not want to play with, were still in rural home at Momma.

Time passes, and many things are thrown into waste as obsolete and nemoderns. But maybe you don't need to discard all? Especially those who have been particularly loved in their childhood. Years later they can become sincere and nostalgic stories, about things that connect generations and are able to give a great deal of love and joy to both big and small. 


 Leocadia Razgale,
Head of the Cyrus Cultural House

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