Vividly arranges mailbox points
At the beginning of that year, THE ADMINISTRATION of THE Viļānu association called on the population to organise common mailbox points. Thanks to the people of the Central, Jersica, and the Caucasus, who have done so - there is a neat and well-visible line of yellow mailboxes at the edge of the street. We also invite other Viļānu people with shared mailboxes to take a good example and arrange them up to 1 June.
It is desirable that mailboxes should be:
- positioned on a straight, stable basis;
- without rust and mechanical damage;
- colour in good quality preferably yellow to ensure a uniform environmental landscape.
People can, of course, choose to set up an individual mailbox at their own private property instead of a shared mailbox.
It is recalled that a number of citizens' complaints were received in the management of THE Viļānu association about the fact that these common mailbox points are mostly in a regrettable state - often the “metering” of press expenses or advertising expenditures, and the mailboxes themselves are rusty, coloured, twisted. These mail boxes adversely affect THE image and environmental attractiveness OF the city and surrounding areas OF Viļānu.
Viļānu has sent a letter TO VAS “Latvijas mail” with a request to resolve this problem. The Authority received a reply with the explanation that: For Postal Law “mailbox” means a user box for inserting received mails, while “user” means a private person or a public person who uses postal services as a recipient or sender. The rules for use and deployment of mailboxes may be discussed in more detail in Cabinet Regulation No. 463 "Regulations regarding the place of provision of postal services, the establishment and presentation of postal network access points, mailbox points and mailboxes, as well as the establishment of cross-border postal handling facilities.'So each natural or legal person is responsible for the position of his mailbox. In order to improve the existing situation, a Commission will be set up in the management of THE Viļānu association, which will assess the visual status of the mailbox points. Those mailbox points whose appearance will not be in the environment and will not meet the requirements will be dismantled.
Administration of Viļāni Association