Viļānu Association Board calls for a Procurement Specialist

“Rēzekne Municipality Authority“ Administration of Vilnius Alliance ”(tail 40900036645) launches open competition to the position of a vacancy specialist.

Applicants must meet the following requirements: second-level vocational higher education in the field of commercial knowledge and administration science or law; an appropriate working experience of a national or local government institution at least 2 (two) years; an appropriate working experience with different national registers, databases that are critical of the eligibility of the applicant, may be considered an advantage; experience in organising and performing procurement work may be considered an advantage; the experience of the organisation of the procurement work at the highest level; the knowledge of the national language at the highest level; the knowledge of information technologies, electronic means of communication and office technique; communication of the laws and regulations necessary for the performance of the duties; communication of the laws and regulations necessary for the performance of duties; communication, high-contact culture, ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making;

The remuneration OF the basic salary OF EUR 880.00, AT the time of the verification, EUR 836,00, description of the post - can be found in the Annex.

A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience; and application questionnaire with a reference to “competition to Rezekne”, the office of the “1 TP5T association of the association” shall hold the position of the procurement specialists ”until 21 April 2023 at 12.00 send to e-mail or by 21 April 2023 at 12.00 the “Viļānu Association Board” of the municipality of Rezekne, cultural area 1A, Viļānos shall be submitted. Contact information 64628033. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.

The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. Candidates whose documents submitted comply with the requirements laid down in the tender regulations shall be invited to an interview on the examination of the theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants.

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