Viļānu residents and parish residents are invited to public meetings

At the end of August, THE residents of Viļānu and Viļānu parish are invited to attend meetings in order to decide on issues raised to their parish and city and to hear current information.
2022. gada 24. augustā plkst. 15.00 atpūtas centrā "Kamenīte" uz sapulci pulcēsies  Viļānu pagasta Jaunviļānu ciema iedzīvotāji, bet 25. augustā plkst 15.00 pirmsskolas izglītības iestādes "Bitīte" - Viļānu pagasta Radapoles iedzīvotāji. 30. augustā plkst.18:00 Viļānu Kultūras namā notiks Viļānu pilsētas iedzīvotāju kopsapulce. 
On the agenda:
  • nomination of representatives to the Consultative Council of the Citizens;
  • topical issues. 
Meetings will take part:
  • Viļānu association management manager Ivars Ikaunieks
  • Representative of SIA “Viļānu housekeeper”
  • Representative of the administrative inspection of the municipality of Rezekne
  • Energy efficiency improvement projects - manager Aris Elsts (only in the cultural house)

We ask the vivids not to be indifferent and actively take part in meetings!


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