In the entire area OF Maltas, the removal of waste will be ensured BY SIA “ALAAS”
There is one waste management area in the municipality of Rezekne, the operator of which is SIA “ALAAS”. The exception was THE parish OF Maltas, where the service was also partly provided BY SIA “Maltas apartment-utility holding company” (“Maltas DzKSU”). As from 1 January 2023, the management of waste in the area OF the village OF Maltas will be ensured BY SIA “ALAAS”.
The binding regulations of the municipality of Rezekne No 58 “on the management of municipal waste in Rezekne municipality” provide that there may be only one operator in the territory of the local government which ensures the collection and removal of waste. Thus, the only merchant who is entitled to provide a service in the municipality of Rezekne is SIA “ALAAS”, which is a joint capital company of the municipality of Rezekne, the Land of Rezekne and the municipality of Ludza.
Currently, THE management of “Maltas DzKSU” municipal waste IN THE area OF Maltas village is carried out in a non-compliance with the waste management law and the binding regulations of the municipality of Rezekne. The Competition Council has also stated in its opinion on the preservation of municipal participation in their capital companies that the management of MUNICIPAL solid municipal waste in Maltas is not organised in accordance with the requirements of regulatory enactments, as the company can provide this service only to apartment owners of multi-apartment residential houses as the manager of these houses. The working group, which assessed the future business models of the municipal capital company, has concluded the same.
A contract with SIA “ALAAS” on the management of municipal waste in the administrative territory of the municipality of Rezekne is concluded in 2013.
In 2008, prior to the addition OF Maltas parish to the Council of Rezekne, THE Council of Maltas parish, using the financing of the European Regional Development Fund, as well as the State budget funding IN THE village OF Maltas, implemented the project “establishment of shared waste collection system and waste sorting point IN the municipality OF Maltas”. As part of the project, a waste sorting area was created, which is currently under the control OF “Maltas DzKSU” and will also be used as a solid municipal waste sorting site IN THE village OF Maltas.
“In the past, residents could be transferred at a given time and place where the trailer was placed. THE collection of SIA“ ALAAS ”waste is organised by placing the containers at their home,“ Jānis Kravalis ”member of the board of directors of“ Maltas DzKSU ”.
The owners of private houses will be located in their territory, the containers of multi-apartment houses will be located at the house and will be available for all time that were not possible in advance.
A representative of the capital shares of the local government capital company “Maltas DzKSU”, the executive director of the municipality of Rezekne, Jānis Troška, has ordered “Maltas DzKSU” to ensure the mobile collection of municipal waste and to deliver to the sorting area, until THE time that SIA “ALAAS”, in close cooperation with the company and apartment owners, has not deployed waste containers to all residential residential houses IN THE village OF Maltas, which is managed by the company.
In view of the economic situation OF SIA “Maltas DzKSU”, it is not advantageous to continue to offer services to the population, as the company had previously had the opportunity to share some of the sorted waste, such as the transfer of glass, but is no longer required by the geopolitical situation.
The municipality of Rezekne invites residents who live in private houses and legal persons to be responsive and conclude contracts with SIA “ALAAS” until 31 December 2022 in order to agree on the installation of waste containers and the frequency of waste removal. For apartment owners of multi-apartment residential houses which have already concluded service contracts with SIA “Maltas DzKSU”, the existing contracts do not need to be switched. Further information on the costs of the removal of waste will be paid by the owners of the apartment in the monthly public payment invoice.
The Executive Director of SIA “ALAAS”, Jurijs Petkevics, notes that the inhabitants of THE parish OF Maltas of municipal waste can be concluded in a face-to-face, company office – Zilupes street 50, Rezekne or remotely, if an electronic signature is available. Residents who do not belong to the abovementioned options may come to Maltas parish administration in working days, where the application and their parish management employees will be transferred TO SIA “ALAAS”. On the basis of the received application, the company will prepare a contract that will be returned to the parish administration and the citizens will be able to receive and sign.
It should be noted that the charges for the management of municipal waste throughout the administrative territory of the municipality of Rēzekne are equal to the approved tariff consisting of the tariff part approved by the municipality of Rezekne and the tariff part approved by the Commission for Public Service Regulation (SPRK).
Note that “Maltas DzKSU” will continue to provide the other services in the normal working order.
Prepared by: July Jurane, Public relations specialist of the municipality of Rezekne, co-operation of the local government executive Jānis Trošku, head of the local government institution “Maltas Association” Edgars Blinovs, member of the board of directors OF the local government SIA “Maltas - utility holding company” Jānis Kravali and executive director of SIA “ALAAS”, Jurijs Petkevics.