Calls for youth initiatives to be presented to increase the motivation of learning


For young people

The Rēzekne municipality council invites associations/foundations performing youth work to submit proposals for youth initiatives to reduce early school leaving from 17 March 2020. Project buds * will support youth initiative projects to promote support activities among young people outside formal education.
Objectives of the competition:

  • Increase the motivation of early school leaving risk group students to continue their education and promote their active participation in day-to-day life.
  • Involve early school leaving risk groups in youth activities and youth initiative projects outside formal education, ensuring the availability of activities as close as possible to the lives and training of children and young people.

The project competition is implemented by the State Service of Education Quality in cooperation with local governments and national vocational educational institutions within the framework of the European Social Fund project “budpurs”.
In addition to the individual aid already received by pupils within the project buds, youth initiative projects will also be supported to promote support activities among young people outside formal education.
The “buds” projects focus on increasing the motivation of learners to ensure that young people in the risk group continue to study early, as well as the continuation of education and the promotion of the active participation of young people in daily life. Project target group - educators of general educational institutions from classes 5 to 12, as well as educators of vocational educational institutions and general educational institutions, which implement vocational education programmes, from courses 1 to 4.
Youth initiatives are proposed, planned and implemented by young people themselves. Projects may be submitted by youth organisations, associations or foundations performing youth work, including a group of youth initiatives in collaboration with a registered youth organisation or association and a foundation performing youth work. The amount of funding available for one project is eur 4600, which is provided from the project “budpurs” by 100 %. Each project is awarded this particular amount, no more and no less.
Important! Draw your attention that the project application must be accompanied by a certification of the co-operation partner (if specific co-operation partners are provided) and THE CVs OF the persons involved in the administration and implementation of the project (if specific people are indicated in the submission).
Projects shall be submitted by 15 May 2020.
Deadline for notification of results: results will be reported by 15 June 2020
Planned start time of the project - from 15.08.2020 to 31.12.2020., project duration from 3 to 18 months.
More information on the project:
Projects may be submitted:

  • Personally: JIC “kastanis”, “parish house”, Feimaņi, Feimaņu civil parish, Rēzekne municipality, LV – 4623,
  • in a postal item, addressed TO JIC “kastanis”, “parish house”, Feimaņi, Feimaņu civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV – 4623 (with reference to buds for youth projects),
  • electronically as an electronic document to e-mail:

Other information:
Phone: Aivars Mežatučs - 22013477
* European Social Fund project No “Support for reducing early school leaving” (budpurs) will be implemented by 31 December 2022. The target group of the project is students of general educational schools from classes 5 to 12, as well as students of vocational educational institutions from 1 to 4. The project is implemented by the State Service of Education Quality in co-operation with the city and municipality local governments and the State vocational educational institutions. 

  • Documents


 Annex 1 “Medium-term plan for preventive and intervention measures FOR THE reduction OF CVMP risk in the municipality” (sample, add their own municipal plan)
Annex 2 “Project submission form”
Annex 3 “Supplement of cooperation partners on participation in the implementation of the project”
Annex 4 “Certification of the early school leavers involved in the project”
Annex 5 “evaluation criteria” 

Methodology for the implementation of the single payment methodology for the implementation of youth initiative projects in the framework of the specific support objective of the operational programme “Growth and Employment” of 8.3.4. “to reduce early school leaving through preventive and intervention measures”

Methodological guidelines for the quality public service of education for work in the project “Support for reducing early school leaving” 

Cabinet Regulation No. 460 of 12.07.2016 “Provisions for the implementation of the specific support objective of the operational programme“ Growth and Employment ”8.3.4.“ to reduce early school leaving by implementing preventive and intervention measures ” 

  • Information materials

Information material for project promoters of youth initiative
Infographic “risk of early school leaving”
Video on youth initiatives for competitions
What should be taken into account in the preparation of the project? 
Ikvd_youth initiative project nost_2020
Aivars Mežatuch,
Rēzekne municipality youth initiative project contest coordinator

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