Calls for training for foster families and adoptive parents

The family is a natural environment for the development and growth of the child and every child has an inalienable right to grow up in the family. If it is not a biological family, the family environment is provided by guardians, foster families or adoptive parents. As of October 2020, the “DOMUS” unit of the family and foster family is started by the “DOMUS” unit in Rezekne's non-family care support centre. In early 2020, the association concluded a protocol on co-operation with the municipality of Rezekne and, thanks to the support of the municipality, has received the use of the room at the alley of Liberation 93, Rezekne.

 The Rēzekne Out-of-Family Care Support Centre shall perform the State administration task delegated by the Ministry of Welfare – provide State aid in the provision of non-family care services, promoting the welfare, safety, independence of children remaining without parental care, as well as the increase of foster families, especially specialised foster families, adopters, guardians, the number of guests in the city of Rezekne and the neighbouring municipality.

If you have decided that you can take a child in your family without parental care, then you must first turn to the Orphan's court of your local government to obtain all the information regarding the formalities necessary to become a guardian, foster family or adoptive person.

In order to reduce THE spread OF COVID-19 and taking into account the emergency situation announced in the country, the members of the family and foster family support association “DOMUS” - Jçkabpils and Rezekne out-of-family care support centres call for remotely learn the theoretical part of the training programme of foster families and adoptive parents.

Training programmes shall be organised in accordance with the delegation of the Ministry of Welfare in the State Inspectorate for the Protection of Children's Rights and Training. 

Apply for training or receive more information:

Information prepared by: Rēzekne out-of-family care support centre

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