We invite you to visit the health promotion day Maltā!
Every lead is invited on 29 September 2018 at 10.00 Maltas in the People's House visit the day of health promotion. During the event, four certified specialists – phlebologs, gynaecologists, dietary specialists and pediatrists – will read lectures free of charge and provide answers to questions of visitors. Professionals in their lectures will provide information on the importance of promoting healthy lifestyles and on possible consequences, ignoring healthy lifestyle habits.
Flebologs will provide information on vein problems and their treatment, but gynaecologist on the causes, consequences and possible prevention measures of gynaecological diseases. A nutritional specialist in his lecture will explain how to prepare food to maintain his nutritional value, improve his self-feeling, strengthen immunity, reduce the risk of cardiac, stomach, liver, kidney, etc., disorder and prejudices of eating habits and unhealthy foods. The pediatrician will read a lecture on healthy growth and physiological and psychological development of children, prevention of diseases and injuries, and early recognition of diseases, treatment and child recovery at various stages of children's age – newborn, infant, small child, pre-school, youngest, middle and senior school period up to 18 years of age.
“Lobs lobby” will be performed at the event of the event.
The “Health Day Day” event takes place on the project “live healthy in Rezekne District” by the municipality of Rezekne. No The project was supported by the European Social Fund (ESF).
Nathalie Bernanne,
The leader of the Rēzekne municipality project “live healthy in Rezekne District!”