With full power jumped into the summer


For young people

In the month of June, the “sails” project “sails” was implemented by the youth initiative project “Lec Summer!” supported by Rezekne municipality. We went through a school year with young people and started a summer adventure with an interesting event in the courtyard of the youth centre with workshops, culinary masters and cinema evening holidays.

At the time of implementation of the project, the perennial marrots will be planted in the grassland at the youth centre, which will multiply, create a beautiful carpet and enjoy the eyes.

The friendship bracelets are as topical as the friendship itself, so we organized the “friendship bracelet” workshop. Young people had the chance to win the friendship bracelets from the suite thread.

To give any event a fun and playful atmosphere, a room for cosy and accent photo area, embroidery of coloured flags. During the project, a sewing machine was purchased, which would be a great assistant in the implementation of workshop workshops, charitable stock.

We organized a tortilla evening when we made a quick meal with young people - rich, warm and delicious tortilles and enjoyed cold ice-cream cocktails.

The summer is the real time of time to go out more often and breathe fresh air, so the usual film evening was carried out in free nature. The open-air movie and mms evenings with popcorn in warm expands were popular with us. It is noted that four impressions have occurred.

So we jumped into the summer and continued to play an active part, make unforgettable impressions, nice, realize vacation and enjoy summer!

Text and photo

Tamara Kablanova, project coordinator, head of the youth centre “sail”


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