Name the world. Rikavas participation of new literates in poetry competition


For young people

In the beginning of the year, Ogres municipality's literary creative association “Sirdsthought” launched the competition “my world mirror – the name” dedicated to the 95-year anniversary of Ogre City. The competition was organised with the idea of activating the literary creative creation of Ogres and neighbors. Young people had to send 1-4 previously unpublished linguistic works on urban topics. The jury of the competition assessed the clarity of the thoughts, saw whether the poetry was consistent, whether it was accurate, expressive, or that the image of the image was properly used. Of course, the relevance of the work to the specific cities (young people could be created not only for Ogri but also for local cities).

The library consists OF Rikavas new literature poetry “poetry flavour”, which, on 3 January, submitted its works to the competition “my world mirror – the name” devoted to the 95-year anniversary of Ogre City. In April, the Commission's assessment of the jury was received and diplomas and recognition articles were issued. Grade 1 diplomas received Diana Dimzule and Dainuvīte Garjonova, their poems are published in the newspaper “Ogre Message for All”, the girls are invited to submit their works for publication in the poetry of Latgale, Ireland and Ogres, as well as participate in the Ogre Central Library in the literary plenary and poetry in summer, 17-19 August. Grade 2 diplomas received Dace Vilcāne and Inga Strogonova, they are invited to attend the Ogre Central Library in the literary plenary and poetry in summer, 17-19 August. Thanks article received Vasilia Krasnovhe is also invited to participate in the cooperation project of Latgale, Ireland and Ogres.

To write a poem for the competition to show the world, young people first studied different materials about cities, shared the impression of what they had seen, felt. He described his emotions, his thoughts, the image of the imaginary expression. What DID Rikavas literate in his works? Talk about Ogri, stories about Viļāniem, Rezekne, Sigulda, Riga. He gave his love to the land we live in, against the people who were beside us.

A little sorry for the age price – young people from 12 to 20 years of age were invited to participate in the competition. So Samantha (in class 3) did not send a poem for Ogri, but it is so sincere, so true!

Broad as a heart,
Beautiful as stars in heaven,
Big as our land,
Big as our land,
Love like puppies and kittens,
A fun as a world,
Delicious as strawberry,
Clever as a teacher,
Chakla as bite …
That's what it is, Ogre!

IN Rikavas, the new literates are going to search every day for the best words of their thoughts, their progress and their work, as each word is energy. What kind of words we'll use, we'll live in a energy field.

Prepared by: Vilma Poplavska, Rikavas Library Manager

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