Blood donor day Kaunatā

22. maijā Valsts asinsdonoru centrs rīkos izbraukumu uz Kaunatas Tautas namu, Rāznas ielā 14, Kaunatas pagastā, Rēzeknes novadā. Donoru diena norisināsies no plkst. 9.00-12.00. VADC mediķi aicina ziedot asinis, lai varētu uzturēt stabilu asins krājumu un ar nepieciešamajiem asins komponentiem apgādāt pacientus ārstniecības iestādēs. Veidot asins uzkrājumus ilgstošam laikam nav iespējams, jo asins komponentiem ir ierobežots derīguma termiņš: eritrocītiem tas ir 35 dienas, bet trombocītiem tikai 7 dienas, tieši tāpēc ir nepieciešama patstāvīga asins donoru atsaucība un palīdzība.
IT also asks donors to pay attention to their eating habits before donating blood, which is very important for blood not to be hilosa (bold) and may be used to treat severe ill patients. At least the day before, and the day when the blood is donated, it is necessary to eat without excesses. Do not consume bold and unhealthy products! A minimum of three hours should be taken from food to blood donation. A large amount of liquid should be taken before donating blood in 24 hours: water, unsweetened fruit and vegetable juices. Energy and alcoholic beverages should not be used. In healthy food, the probability of hilosis is significantly reduced in the blood, which also contributes to the improvement of the donor's own health.
Blood group and haemoglobin levels are determined before donating blood in the donor's blood. Each time after a full dose of blood donation, donor blood is laboratory tested to: viral hepatitis B (VHB) antigen, hepatitis C (VHC) antibodies, HIV I/II antibodies, syphilis antibodies, ABO group and Rh belonging to the molecular investigation of viral deoxyribonucleic acid — DNA or ribonucleic acid — RNA — VHC RNA, VHB DNA, HIV1/2 RNA. Donors should be interested in the results of their analyses within 3-4 working days after donation of blood by telephone: 8000 0003.
People aged 18-65 may become a blood donor. Body weight must be above 50 kg. The transfer of blood is not desirable after a night shift, strained work or emotional experience. More detailed information on blood donation can be found by calling a free informative phone 8000 0003 and website
National haemorrhage centre
Public relations department
Tel.: 67408878; 28663415

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