“Church Night” and “Open Church Day” in Berzgale and Sarkaas

Writer Otto Oak: “It's a special night.” “If you don't get used to a day, if you're not accustomed to a church threshold, this is a great chance.”
Šogad 28. maijā Latvijas baznīcās notiks “Baznīcu nakts” un "Atvērto baznīcu dienas" pasākumi. Ikviena draudze šajā dienā atvērs sava dievnama durvis viesiem jau no pulksten 10.00 rītā. Šajās aktivitātēs piedalās arī Bērzgales Sv. Annas Romas katoļu draudze un Sarkaņu Jaunavas Marijas Bezvainīgi ieņemtās Romas katoļu draudze.
“Open Church Day” in Berzgale Church:
- 10:00 - Sv. Mice: Emperor Guntra Kuzmina-Yukna and young people of Berzgale;
- 12:00, 18:00, 21:00 - Church call call.
- All day-long services.
More info Dayle (26185204), Skaidrite (29497151)
“Church Night” in the Red Church:
- 10:00 – the beginning. A song for God's honour;
- 12:00 - Church calls. The angel of the gentleman.
- 15:40 - a crown of God's mercy;
- 16:00 - Iu. Mice;
- 17:10 - “Negotiations in history”,
- 17.35 - “Church cornerstones”;
- 18:00 - Church calls. The angel of the master;
- 18:05 - 18:40 - Mental music concert (Maria Adijane-Latkovska - acordeone; Edwin Latkovskis – voice);
- 18:45 - pre-reading “Red Church Flags”;
- 19:05 - 19:45 - songs archaeology. Traditional Catholic songs;
- 21:00 - 23:00 - Queen of peace with the messages of Medjugorje Lady (4 parts) “about peace in the world”;
- 22:00 - church bells;
- 24:00 – final
In parallel, creative activities for children will take place. In the parish house, tea, coffee.
More info Dina Manusko (26484470)
EU funding has been invested in the repair works of Berzgales and Sarkau churches.
More information on the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development is available on THE EC website:

Information was prepared by Daila Ekimane
Photo: Aivis Stračinskis (Berzgale Church), Zaiga Kaire (Red Church)