Nature is non-repeatable

In implementing the “natural friend” programme and taking into account the epidemiological constraints of the pandemic, THE young people OF Mākoņkalna parish implement measures that give us satisfaction and delight. In September we went into the hiking “unusual around us.” We looked at the straight-cut stone, the sandwiches, and surveyed and fed the housekeepers, sheep and heifers. We felt the wind bells and looked at the rare unusual flower antlers.

In a small group of rooms, we made a forest man from natural materials, making a variety of Mākoņkalna logos from beans, waterbirds, etc. We played environmental consciousness games. We dealt with pictures and crossword puzzles.

Following the rapid pace of winter, we started to observe and participate in the competition “birds at barrier 2021-2022.”

As a result of the skill hands of two groups, there was an elegant veneer bird feeder. They were hanging around the “hive” of the leisure centre - in apple trees and in maples. In order to be featured, the poultry, with non-salted meat, barley groats and seeds etc.

By attracting birds in their vicinity, we will be aware of their diversity and behavioural features. We'll love your native side more and do a good job. 


Text: Lily Truce, leader of the group “natural friend”

Photo: Jekaterina Itkača

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