Andra Eriņa's song book, The Name, was in the drizzle. Road ”presentation concert

“My songs are a deep soulness, a heavy, weary way,” says Andris Erins, the name of the song book. “The way” by the author. The track was released in autumn 2021, but when Andris's stock was given to the library, it was an idea to present it by inviting the author. Gradually, the idea of the event was “fertilised” with singing and insisting on the alliances, “Almus”, the choir “Townadze”, and the library became a narrow one.

On 26 February, AT Dricānu in the cultural house, with the participation of Andra Eriņa's singing friends, parish self-employed and his song and talent fans, the “Green mode” was the name of Andra Eriņa's song book “Name. Road” presentation concert. We sang, felt, survived eighteen of the sixty-eight songs published in the Krajums. It was a long-long and true music pleasure in the living, both performing and listening.

Anyone who faces Andra's songs, studying them by creating an ensemble repertoire, must admit that they are very melodious, they have specific harmonies and a deep, speaking text. In my opinion, Andris Eriņš knows everyone, but Latvia has known him as a song through the song “fate sponge”, “warm souls”, “Cymdu roksti”, the corners with “land and song” (Ilona Rupaine aranžis).

The theme and mood of the stock is diverse. The author organized them in three blocks: “God, Latvia, native”, “besty, warm, dragon”, “a feeling, a smirk.” Now everyone has the chance to choose, learn, sing and sing! Proud of ours – Andris Eriņš! A late visit of poetry and musical monks in the creative moments of Dziesminieka!

THE PATH continues because THERE is a CALL …


Inara Orlova, 
Dricānu parish library manager


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