We will soon start a small gravel programme to reduce water pollution


EU news

The LIFE GOODWATER IP will soon launch a small grant programme to promote local Community cooperation in order to improve the quality of surface water.

Viens no veiksmīgas projekta aktivitātes priekšnoteikumiem ir cieša sadarbība starp ūdens sateces baseina vietējiem iedzīvotājiem – uzņēmējiem, lauksaimniekiem, pašvaldības darbiniekiem un iedzīvotājiem.  LIFE GOODWATER IP projekta gaitā vēlamies stiprināt šo sadarbību, sniedzot mērķtiecīgu finansiālu atbalstu kopienām, kas savā pašvaldībā ir gatavi risināt ūdens piesārņojuma problēmu ar zemu izmaksu iniciatīvām un pasākumiem.

Joint activities are more assessed and recognised as significant, and are more sustainable than those undertaken by the municipality or the government. We are currently preparing for the launching of grants for groups of initiatives seeking to improve the state of local water bodies. The grant scheme is expected to strengthen activities and support for local infrastructure and/or installations in public and vulnerable water bodies.

When the situation in the country allows it, we will call on local stakeholders to jointly develop an acceptable vision of making improvements in contaminated water sites. IT is expected that LIFE Goodwater WILL support eight initiatives in the course of THE IP, helping to assess the most appropriate solutions and financially support their implementation. The maximum amount available for Granta will be up to eur 10 000 per activity and the estimated aid intensity of 90-100 per cent of total activity costs.

If you're interested in getting information first, follow the information IN THE LIFE Goodwater IP website or log in for information by sending email to goodwater @lvgmc. lv.

The information was prepared by:
Anita jaundice
SIA Latvian Rural Advisory and Education Centre

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