Europe Direct East Latgale informs about EU issues and launches a children's expression competition


EU news

Today, more than 420 Europe Direct centres have been launched throughout Europe, eight of which are also in Latvia, including Europe Direct East Latgale in the municipality of Rezekne, along with co-operation partners - Rezekne, Preilu and Kraslava Library.

The Europe Direct Centres Network provides citizens with information about the most important developments in Europe and encourages discussions on the future of Europe. The Europe Direct Centres represent a significant link between the institutions and citizens of the European Union, helping to explain what resources and support are available to a wide range of society groups, as Europe collectively overlooks the Covid-19 pandemic, how economic development through the #NextGenerationEU programme is promoted, how the transition to a greener and more digital environment is being carried out and how anyone can contribute to a better European future by presenting the idea of the European Conference on the Internet Platform www.footure, etc.

As the restrictions on the pandemic prevented the organisation of a public Europe Direct East Latgale discovery event, we decided to hold small festivals every month throughout the summer, focusing on the current developments in the European Union. In May, when we wait for European Day and Mother Day, we have held a contest for European women, while in June - in the month of the protection of children's rights - we will focus on the rights of children.
“Children are our future” - it is not just a slogan in political advertising but a serious work in all Member States so that every act, regulation or regulation is created in the light of the interests of the smaller European Union citizens.

Children illuminate our everyday life, so this time the competition “the big thoughts of small Europeans”. By 21 June, we will wait for the cheerful and brightest expressions of your children, grandchildren, small brothers and nurses or neighbors. Send them to e-mail or write to us Europe Direct East Latgale Facebook page, or send WhatsApp message to tel. 26531297, including the child's name and age. We'll collect and publish the posted works ON THE ED East Latgale Facebook page. The authors of the best works will receive delicious, healthy and organically grown strawberries from the farm “Latgale strawberries” (the prizes can be received in Rezekne or at the owners IN Dricānu parish).

“Peppercakes aren't cakes, they're peppercuits,” the three-year-old Mark wondered, helping Mom. But when he was eating the race, Mark said, "I'm afraid to eat the sausage. We'll also wait for your kids' pearls!

Madara Burtina,
Europe Direct East Latgale assistant assistant

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