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Kantinieku parish in Liuge is the “Upmaļi” site of the writer Jānis KCo. Writer Janis Kco was born IN Kantinieku parish in Liuža village. He completed his commercial school in Rezekne, studied agriculture at the University of Latvia and clinical sociology at the University of California. In 1950, he emigrated to THE UNITED STATES, the city of California, where he spent his life. For literary action, the writer will focus early. In 1933, his first poems were published in the Latgalian magazine Sauleite. He has written 8 novels, 11 storeys of stories, 2 essay supplies and apprentices for the Catholic Latgale of his native Latgale. A prize of the cultural foundation awarded to the writer of the novels, a novelty animal, a living, swayed the Prize of the Krišjana Baron Foundation, but the gifted souls - the New Silver Foundation Prize.

Martha Barbale has devoted the following lines to her mother-in-law:
Lyuja, Lyuja – vords so scandalous,
Kaidi Meili, a white man.
Varbyut-skimmed boy maneigs
Do not drink Bryunaceiti.
Oh, so scraps!
Pōrzib pōri Signagolam.
Tys is not a melody.
Te has a glue
Through the snout, through the step …

According to the novel “human child”, Janis Streich has taken a film of the same name in Latgalian language, which has gained the love of viewers and the recognition of cinemas critics not only in Latvia but also in the world. The Cemetery of Jānis KCo is located IN THE graveyard OF Kantinieku, where a writer and his spouse, the painting Emily Cottage (18.06.1916 –17.01 .2008) are buried in the summer of 2008. In 2012, a monument is installed in the graves OF Kantinieku, which is formed in bronze and shows a boy sitting on a stone with his dog. On the stone is the words of the main character of the “human child” of the novelist, Boņuka, whom he devoted to his friend Jikam: “the other similar debits are not all around the world.” This quote is also the motto of Rezekne. On the other hand, a recreational place for tourists was installed in place of the writer's hometown.

Kantinieku civil parish Snowball and Kantinieku in villages located in the ancient grave, but AT Kantinieku in the village of Liujanka Kantinieku Full Scale. The deep Catholic faith of the parish people is evidenced by five crucifixes: in Masons, Christways, Cantes, Ciskaans, Leimanishkas.

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