Administration of the Dricani Association

Head of the Management Board of the Dricana Association

Andrejs Tsarud, tel. 64607080, 29388271,
Pieņemšanas laiks: otrdiena 9.00–11.00   Dricānu apvienības pārvaldes ēkā:  “Pagastmāja”, Dricāni, Dricānu pag., Rēzeknes nov., LV–4615.
Acceptance of the other members of the association in accordance with the received applications.
You can log in to the specified phones and call to the phone. 64644069 or by e-mail address

Deputy Minister for Economic Affairs

Valentine Puste, tel. 26334750,
Pieņemšanas laiks: otrdiena 9.00–11.00   Dricānu apvienības pārvaldes ēkā:  “Pagastmāja”, Dricāni, Dricānu pag., Rēzeknes nov., LV–4615.
Acceptance of the other members of the association in accordance with the received applications.
You can log in to the specified phones and call to the phone. 64644069 or by e-mail address

Deputy Minister for Planning and Property Management
Oskars Babris, tālr. 29113368,
Pieņemšanas laiks: otrdiena 9.00–11.00   Dricānu apvienības pārvaldes ēkā:  “Pagastmāja”, Dricāni, Dricānu pag., Rēzeknes nov., LV–4615.
Acceptance of the other members of the association in accordance with the received applications.
You can log in to the specified phones and call to the phone. 64644069 or by e-mail address
Road construction technician
Modris Zalužinskis, tel. 26511150, e-mail
Working time: 8.00 – 12.00; 12.30 – 16.30
Senior clerk

Maria Zahare, tel. 64644069, e-mail

Principal Accounting Officer

Via Dundeniece, tel. 28703307, e-mail

Principal Accounting Officer

Marina Rūbežniece, tel. 26057184, e-mail


Legal address

“Parish house”, Dricans, Dricana civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV – 4615


Reg. No 40900027407
Bank: AS “SEB Bank”
Account: LV83UNLA0055000968605

Useful materials

Management scheme of the Dricana Association
REGULATION of the Management Board OF the Dricānu
Dricānu apvienības pārvaldes budžets 2024.
Budget of the Dricana parish association 2022.
Budget of the Dricana parish association 2020.

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