A festive event dedicated to the anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic of Latvia. “Strong land, strong people” in Signagala


Sakstagala and Kantinieku parish administration leader Tamara Tutin festival. Provision of parish management thanks to Sakstagala and Kantinieku parish families, parish entrepreneurs, parish staff. The festival concert includes a group OF Sakstagala Theatre friends with Tradog's story of “two brushes and two Laima”, Sakstagala parish folklore set “Colnasate”, Sakstagala parish women's Bar ansamblis, Sakstagala parish schools and pre-school students. An exhibition of Ludmila Orska's painting will be seen in the hall.
After the concert, they would be able to enjoy the festival.

League Red 26604650 liga.sarkane@rezeknesnovads.lv
Valda Tutin 28727103 valda.tutina@rezeknesnovads.lv

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