Ilya's changeover Kaunatā was delighted!

The winter of 2020 and 2021 were both harsh and also prevented from spending time in the community as they had to follow the epidemiological restrictions. When the spring came, many dreamed of how much they would want to be with others. It was successful in the Ilya fair Kaunatā, which took place on 31 July.

The market - a great opportunity for citizens not only to buy useful things but also truly enjoy it. This year, the pleasure was not only tangible, but also heard, such as the talks between people who once again gave the special sense of “live” conversation. The pleasure also belonged to self-employed speeches by Kaunatas large and small dance dancers of both the People's dance and the contemporary dance - the dance collectively “rasa” and “Rasina” and the dancer Paula Kudravska.

The exhibition of the artist Victoria Grappas was an exhibition of the artist Victoria Grappas. The painting shows the Church of Rezekne. The exhibition encouraged everyone to admire the rich sakrālo heritage of Rezekne, the author of its idea is Regita Zyle. 

The children could spend time with their parents in the soap bubble workshop. The entertainment was offered a painting with henna, which was mostly used by children, but some adults did not give up a perfect, permanent drawing.

The participants of the market and its activities noted that the event had been fun and improved the mood, they would be happy to see another chance to meet and talk to fresh air, even with a 2-meter distance and a facial mask!

Līna Šlapakova
Kaunatas Head of the People's House 

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