Open invitation to tender for the position of the head of the municipal social service of the municipality of Rezekne
Persons who are: Staff of the municipality of Rezekne and which have:
- secondary vocational or higher education, preferably in the speciality of legal sciences, in management sciences;
- understanding of the organisation of the work of the local government and the circulation of documents;
- knowledge of the laws and regulations governing the organisation of records;
- ability to work with a large amount of information;
- excellent knowledge of the language of the country and the good knowledge of English and Russian;
- good analytical capacity and communication skills;
- a high sense of responsibility and precision;
- good computer skills;
- skills to work with information technologies and office techniques;
- work experience in local government or public work is desirable.
Profesionālās darbības aprakstu (CV) un motivācijas vēstuli ar norādi „Konkursam uz Sociālā dienesta lietveža amatu” līdz 2022.gada 11. februārim plkst.16.30 aicinām sūtīt uz e-pastu vai līdz 2022.gada 11. februārim plkst. 16.30 iesniegt personīgi pašvaldības administrācijas ēkā 6.kabinetā, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95 A, Rēzeknē.
Pārrunas ar pretendentiem, kuru laikā viņiem tiks uzdoti arī praktiski uzdevumi, plānotas no 2022.gada 14. februāra līdz 2022.gada 16. februārim.