Young people are familiar with theatre professions
On May 12, class 9-12 students took a masterpiece “get to know theatre!” The event started with a theatre – “Joriks” marketing communications coordinator Ivetas Graudina narration of theatre work and professions involved in the development of the shows. The Fausto Paravidino play “two brothers” was followed by a controversial izspēli of interrelationships that is topical for young people's daily life. In this performance, the viewers and actors were on one stage, very close to them, so young people had the opportunity to feel such emotion as passion, love, rage, and the intensity of other experiences.
The scenography, which was created by the new artist Paraskēva Diikin in collaboration with director Martin Ahi, was composed of both the peculiar design of the stage with windows, the moving swings and the sanitary knob, the video projection and the askietic image. The artistic expressions of the performances were fascinated by the artistic expressions of the performances: the highly regarded and emotionally executed ballets (Nick Keivs), energetic, sometimes even aggressive.
After the show, young people were invited to a discussion on exhibitions and meetings with actors, scenographs and illuminators. Most of the participants admitted that “the story was about how people don't understand and manage their feelings and how it can lead”. The young actors Laura Atelson, Carlis derums, and Carl Tel told the young people what it meant to be an actor, how complicated the profession was and what their motivation for the profession was. It was interesting to find out how simple or complicated the studios are (as the young theatre art masters consider: the other heavier after the medical studies IN RSU) and what the entrance of the entrance should be. The mastery and seen in the masterclass created a good incentive for young people to assess whether their internal resources correspond to the professions associated with theatre: whether they are prepared to be those who are studying, deepening and surviving the emotions of people; or perhaps in the future they want to discover their technical and artistic talent in the theatre environment.
Project coordinator in Rezekne municipality Elita Opincane