Where can it be safe to swim?



The municipality of Rezekne conducts the monitoring of bathing waters in public water bodies and local government properties.
In the month of July, samples of bathing waters were taken: in the pond at Audriņu, in the Meuranium Lake (Bērzgales in the village), the Razna Lake (“Ezerkrasti”), the Ismer – the Zogota Lake, the Solorer Lake, the trolley of the trolley (Čornajas civil parish), THE Dricānu centre pond, THE Feimaņu lake (“the active beach”), the bee lake (“Koshevo”), the bee lake (“Košov”), THE Rēzekne river (“punduri”), THE Rēzekne river (“punduri”), THE Rēzekne Lake, the Partova Lake, the Idzepoles lakes, the Razna Lake (c. Veresovka, Lamashi), Viraudas Lake, Veridian Lake, Zosna Lake (c. Geese), Chernoste lakes, at Nagļu village locks (on Maltas river), Poopola reservoir (c. Bex), Ozolmuižas centre pond, Pušas lake (Pušas village centre), Tiskad Lake (c. Old River), at the Spruuktu reservoir (on the Rēzekne River), at the Rēzekne River (Poludu Bridge), Dziļuta Lake, Sherjan Lake, Adamovas Lake (c. Adamov), Anchupan water reservoirs.
Physico-chemical and microbiological examinations were performed as well as visual observations of each bathing site.
In accordance with microbiological indicators and visual inspection results of the bathing water quality monitoring, the bathing is permitted in all the abovementioned locations. The vertebral lake is not recommended for bathing as paper and plastic waste was detected.
Bathing sites in Luban Lake (Gaigalavas parish) and Razna Lake (c. Lipuški - at the school) is included on the resources allocated to the State budget in the list of bathing sites.
In 2016, the municipality of Rezekne has concluded a contract with the Scientific Institute for Food Safety, Animal Health and the Environment “BIOR” on the performance of bathing water quality monitoring.
The monitoring of bathing sites in this year will be performed once a month (June, July and August).
The information was prepared by:
The Senior Environmental Protection Senior of the municipality of Rezekne Dana Healthova
(tel. 646 07195, Dana. Healthova @rozekernovads. lv).

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