Lāčplēsis Day AT Nautrēnu High School



Lāčplēsis was a sporting atmosphere at Nautrēnu. In collaboration with 316. A military relay was organised IN Viļānu. In spite of the damp time, the relay took place in the school sports area. The participants were able to test the role of soldier by wearing helmets and using blow-rifle jackets, as well as checking themselves on an improvised barrier bar where teams could check their strength and ability to cooperate with different tasks. Students learned to work in a team because only one could win. Students from Classes 1-12 were actively involved in the relay, and the small primary school pupils held no more than the big school members. All proved that the force was in command and, of course, supporters!
Thank you very much for 316.1 TP5T for the novelist of the novelist, Sundane and his assistants, for organising and managing the military relay!
The information was prepared BY THE Deputy Directorates-General of THE Nautrēnu High School for extra-hour work Vita Sinkovec
DSCF1676 (1152 x 864)

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